Sarah Wood, Sam Day, Quinn Walters, Abigail Leslein The Dark Matter of Love Sarah Wood, Sam Day, Quinn Walters, Abigail Leslein
Summary, Characters, Topics, Setting The Diaz family wanted four kids. They had one biological daughter but were unable to have anymore children. They decided to adopt three children from Russia at the same time. (One girl, and twin boys) This documentary is about their journey through their first year as a new family. Setting: Wisconsin and Arkhangelsk, Russia Characters: Masha Vadim Marcel Claudio Cheryl Cami Nicole Dr. Marvin “Actually, I would like it if I was called Chocolate and he was called Coconut and she was Banana.” Topics: Can a child learn to love in older years? How relationships differ between biological and adoptive families
Positive Social Change The children, while in the orphanages, were not mistreated, but they didn’t have that important interaction necessary for proper development during their formative years. Essential for children’s ability to develop close relationships in the future By adopting these children, the Diaz family were able to create for them the environment the children needed in order to get the foundation necessary for building relationships (“learning how to love”)
Advocacy Advocating for the importance that every child has a home. (Raised awareness for children in orphanages.) In being part of Dr. Marvin’s study/program the family advocated for the study of how children can learn to love and be taught the feeling/expression of love in a family setting. Dr. Marvin was a big part of of the journey of the Diaz family through mentorship and guidance of the family. Dr. Marvin mentioned how he wasn’t going to tell the family how to raise their children A scientific experiment involved a monkey and goslings was parallel to the Diaz’s story The goslings and monkey went to the known “parent” when uncomfortable, proving it has feelings/emotions connected to them
Community These children’s communities were their schools. Masha made friends pretty easily; her best friend described her as funny, but unwilling to talk about her emotions. Masha also became involved with her school’s choir and auditioned for (and got) a solo for their concert. She dedicated the solo to her mom. The two younger boys were shown running in a gym class race, being social and interacting with other children as well. School was very important in allowing the children to feel connected to their community and their peers. Important in developing the ability to form relationships as well
Service Adopting the children was a service to the Russian community because the rate at which children are adopted in orphanages is very low The Diaz family provided a home (voluntarily) to three children in need. Nicole and Dr. Marvin provided a service to Claudio and Cheryl through their guidance and advice throughout this process
Aspects Most Relevant to Current Day Events and Topics Adoption is always relevant. Overcrowding of orphanages Psychology behind the documentary is always relevant. David Thomas and his organization (Wendy’s Adoption Foundation)
What did we connect to? Similar Situation: One friend adopted from Russia with two younger brothers all from different “genetic” families. I have never met someone who has been adopted, so this documentary provided me with a new experience. My stepmom has adopted five children (two from Russia and three from South Korea) My ex-boyfriend was adopted and his mother was a foster parent.
Critiques? Throughout the documentary: The boys were not paid as much attention to as Masha Role of maternal figure in Masha’s life wasn’t addressed very much, nor carried throughout the film Even though her presence in Masha’s life was integral to Masha’s ability to connect to Diaz family There could have been more background on life in the orphanage and possibly more about the children’s lives before the orphanage.
Who would benefit? People thinking about adopting Responsibility Preparations Focus on foreign children (different languages) Families who have adopted Children who have been adopted Those interested in psychology behind the documentary Adoption counselors Psychologists
What course of action does this film call for? Raising awareness of adoption and orphanages Raising awareness about psychology behind older-aged adoptions and “learning to love” Motivating individuals to volunteer to make a difference at these orphanages