Scientific Inquiry Observe & Explore Ask Questions “Wonder” Select a question that can be answered through investigation. Experiment or observe to answer question. What happens Reflect on what happened – Describe, report.. More Questions – Did it prove or disprove your theory? Conclusions may lead to more questions.
Scientific Method Ask a Question – 5 W’s Do Background Search: Avoid redoing experiments or past mistakes Construct a Hypothesis – A proposed explanation: If ___ then ____ will happen. Test Hypothesis by experimentation. Analyze the data and Draw a conclusion. Communicate Results – Summarize findings
Engineering Design Process Identify the problem – How can we design a _______ that will ________. Identify criteria and constraints: requirements or rules Brainstorm possible solutions. Generate Ideas – 2 or 3 ideas with quick sketches Explore possibilities – pros and cons of each Select an approach – Identify the design that best appears to solve the problem. Build a model or prototype – Full size or scale model Refine the design – examine the prototype against the requirements and constraints and if necessary make modifications. Design process is cyclical and can begin at any step & you can move forward and back as needed.
A Comparison of the Methods All are methods to resolve a problem All focus on asking questions and then using evidence to answer them. All are methods used by scientists to study the Natural world. All focus on being skeptical, questioning things and then using the data to answer the question or change their ideas. All require open mindedness