Visual Modeling Using Rational Rose Networking LAB OOSD 담당조교 석사과정 이정환 Kyung Hee University
Contents Introduction to visual modeling using a rational rose Getting started with rational rose Introduction to diagrams Introduction to specifications Class diagrams and specifications Simple Example (hello world) Kyung Hee University
Introduction to Visual Modeling Using a Rational Rose Rational Rose provides support for two essential elements of modern software engineering Component based development Controlled iterative development Rational Rose use Component Object Modeling (COM) Object Modeling Language (OMT) Booch ’93 method for visual modeling Kyung Hee University
Introduction to Visual Modeling Using a Rational Rose (cont’d) Help organize, visualize, understand, and create complex things The mapping of real world processes of a system to a graphical representation. Useful for understanding problems, communication with everyone involved with the project (customers, domain experts, analysts, designers, etc.), modeling complex systems, preparing documentation, and designing programs and databases. Kyung Hee University
Introduction to Visual Modeling Using a Rational Rose (cont’d) Modeling promotes better understanding of requirements, cleaner designs, and more maintainable systems Visual modeling captures business processes by defining the software system requirements from the user’s perspective Kyung Hee University
Introduction to Visual Modeling Using a Rational Rose (cont’d) Modeling with Rational Rose Rational Rose is the visual modeling software solution that lets you create, analyze, design, view, modify and manipulate components and implement system in a way that makes them truly easy to communicate Kyung Hee University
Getting Started With Rational Rose The application window Diagram Window Menu Bar Toolbar Browser Documentation Window Specification Window Kyung Hee University
Getting Started With Rational Rose (cont’d) Documentation Window Describe model elements or relationship The description can include such information as the roles, keys, constraints, purpose, and essential behavior of the element Kyung Hee University
Getting Started With Rational Rose (cont’d) Diagram Window Diagram windows allow you to create and modify graphical views of the current model Each icon in a diagram represents an element in the model Kyung Hee University
Getting Started With Rational Rose (cont’d) Overview Window The overview window is a navigational tool that helps you move to any location on all Rational Rose diagrams Kyung Hee University
Getting Started With Rational Rose (cont’d) Specification Window A specification enables you to display and modify the properties and relationships of a model element, such as a class, a relationship, an operation, or an activity Kyung Hee University
Introduction to Diagrams Overview Diagrams are views of the information contained in a model Diagram windows Class diagram Use-case diagram Collaboration diagram Sequence diagram Component diagram Statechart diagram Deployment diagram Activity diagram Kyung Hee University
Introduction to Specifications A specification enables you to display and modify the properties and relationships of a model element, such as a class, a relationship, or an operation Kyung Hee University
Class Diagrams and Specifications Class diagram overview A class diagram is a picture for describing generic descriptions of possible systems Class diagrams and collaboration diagrams are alternate representations of object models Class diagrams contain classes and object diagrams contain objects, but it is possible to mix classes and objects when dealing with various kinds of metadata, so the separation is not rigid Kyung Hee University
Class Diagrams and Specifications (cont’d) Class specification A class specification displays and modifies class properties and relationships Stereotype A stereotype represents the subclassification of an element It represents a class within the UML metamodel itself Some stereotypes are already predefined, but you can also define your own to add new kinds of modeling types Kyung Hee University
Class Diagrams and Specifications (cont’d) Cardinality The cardinality field specifies the number of expected instances of the class. In the case of relationships, this field indicates the number of links between each instance of the client class and the instance of the supplier You can set a specific cardinality value for the client class, supplier class, or both Kyung Hee University
Class Diagrams and Specifications (cont’d) Type Description N(default) Unlimited number of instances 1 One instance only 0..n Zero or more instances 1..n One or more instances 0..1 Zero or one instance <literal>* Exact number of instances <literal>..n Exact number of more instances <literal>..<literal> Specified range of instance <literal>..<literal>,<literal> The number of instances will be in the Specified range or an exact number of instances <literal>..<literal>, The number of instances will be in one of the specified ranges Kyung Hee University
Class Diagrams and Specifications (cont’d) Concurrency A class concurrency defines its semantics in the presence of multiple threads of control Kyung Hee University
Class Diagrams and Specifications (cont’d) Type Description Sequential (default) The semantics of the operation are guaranteed only in the presence of a single thread of control. Only on thread of control can be executing in the method at any one time Guarded The semantics of the operation are guaranteed in the presence of multiple threads of control. A guarded class requires collaboration among client threads to achieve mutual exclusion Active The class has its own thread of control Synchronous The semantics of the operation are guaranteed in the presence of multiple threads of control; mutual exclusion is supplied by the class Kyung Hee University
Simple Example (Hello World) Abstract of key point import java.awt.Graphics; class HelloWorld extends java.applet.Applet { public void paint (Graphics g) { d.drawString ("Hello, World!", 10, 10); } Kyung Hee University
Simple Example (cont’d) The UML modeling Kyung Hee University
Simple Example (cont’d) Kyung Hee University
Simple Example (cont’d) Kyung Hee University
Simple Example (cont’d) Kyung Hee University
Simple Example (cont’d) Kyung Hee University
Practice time Make the class diagram of this source code Kyung Hee University
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