SBSTA-41 John Bates, NOAA CEOS-CGMS Joint Working Group on Climate SIT Workshop Agenda Item #17 CEOS Action / Work Plan Reference CEOS SIT Technical Workshop CNES, Montpellier, France 17th-18th September 2014
SBSTA-41 Input to UNFCCC Subsidiary Body on Scientific and Technological Advice – Research and Systematic Observations (SBSTA-41 RSO) CEOS was invited to present following our presentation at SBSTA-37 in 2012 The SBSTA expressed its appreciation to CEOS for its update on progress made by space agencies providing global observations in their coordinated response to relevant needs of the Convention. It noted the importance of continuing and sustaining satellite observations on a long-term basis, and the role of CEOS in promoting full and open data sharing, in order to support the work under the Convention. It invited CEOS to provide, by SBSTA 41, an updated report on progress made by space agencies providing global observations in their coordinated response to relevant needs of the Convention. SBSTA-41 meets at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Lima, Peru 1-6 December 2013
SBSTA-41 Content to be provided and deadlines A written summary of COES-CGMS climate activities no greater than 20 pages due to FCC by October 5 Summary of Architecture for Climate Monitoring Report and update of formation of the Joint WGClimate and work plan Delta update of GCOS progress by WGClimate summarizing select missions and ECV/CDR activities Summary of CEOS Strategy for Carbon Observations from Space A one-page summary presented by the CEOS Chair national delegation (JAXA, hence the Japanese delegation) at the opening session of SBSTA-41 on 1 December A presentation by the Chair of WGClimate to the regular session of SBSTA-41 during the week (TBD)
SBSTA-41 Logistics and CEOS Decisions Requested A written summary of COES-CGMS climate activities no greater than 20 pages due to FCCC by October 5 (need to share with CGMS) Draft being circulated for review to select WGClimate members and related CEOS stakeholders Request review and approval by CEOS SEC week of 21 September A one-page summary presented by the CEOS Chair national delegation (JAXA, hence the Japanese delegation) at the opening session of SBSTA-41 on 1 December Draft summary prepared by WGClimate and to be reviewed and approved at CEOS Plenary (this will also serve as summary in SBSTA-41 statement) A presentation by the Chair of WGClimate to the regular session of SBSTA-41 during the week Presentation will be based on written summary Would CEOS SEC like to review/approve?