ORVOLO VENTURES PRESENTS COMMON BAR CODE Using Tally.ERP 9 as a Platform www.orvolo.com
Objective : To Provide Facility of Direct Scanning . Don’t Describe Product Detail . Flexible Platform of Tally.ERP9. Fast and Effective Product Effective Straight to the point www.orvolo.com
Why you need Bar Code Module: Time management. Improve Work efficiency. Limited personal details required. www.orvolo.com
About Bar Code Module : This Module has been developed using Tally.ERP 9 as a platform, and provides facility for users into their business quickly and easily. We can use for Scanning Sale Bill, Purchase. . www.orvolo.com
Features : The usage of barcode scanners has reduced the time and effort at the process of billing Provides a fast, easy and accurate mechanism to enter data into a Tally for data collection or data lookup. The process is time and cost-effective. The space reflects the light where as the dark bar absorbs the Code. www.orvolo.com
Thank You CONTACT US : HIG-1, Sector-1, Shankar Nagar, Near Vardan Hospital, RAIPUR – 492001 CHHATTISGARH Mob - +91-99939-18000,+91-86028-18000 Phone - 0771-4071800 Email: teamtally@orvolo.com Website: www.orvolo.com