Good Mornings Bryan Morgan
Technique Good-morning is a weight training exercise in which a barbell or two dumbbells are held on the shoulders, behind the head. The person bends forward, bowing at the hips while keeping the back straight, and recovers to upright. The lifter should concentrate on pushing the hips back while keeping the spine straight or arched. To prevent a rounded back, the lifter's chin should remain upright. Focus the eyes on a spot at about belt height during the lift Reversing lift direction when eyes come in line with the spot. This keeps the chin up and the head tilted back which keeps a flat or slightly arched spine. Make sure placement of bar is in traps not on spine
Spotting Spot should effectively keep lifter in best position while making sure lifters eyes are fixed with chin up. Spotter should also remain close and make sure the lifter does not begin to rock and fall either direction. This is mainly done on a platform which if becomes to heavy weight can be dropped but must be alert of weights and must use clamps to keep weight on bar
Muscles Involved Hamstrings but is primarily used to strengthen the lower back Biceps femoris Semimebrenousous Semitendinosous Lats Glutes
Variations The degree of knee bend used will change the focus Nearly straight-legged involving the hamstrings most. Also dumbells can be used instead of bar with same machanics
Technique Errors The spine does not twist or round at any point during the movement. Not keeping chin up and rounding back. Knees straight or locked out Too much weight