Heat Investigation
Phase 1 Room temperature water and hot water Time Period 5 Minutes Start Temperature End Temperature Change in Temperature Hot Water 100ml Room Temperature Water 100ml
Remember It is important to measure carefully!
Measure starting temperature Wait 5 minutes –During this time, think of a question you would like to test with your group members Measure ending temperature Calculate the change in temperature (subtract!)
When you are finished Dump out the water Return 1 beaker to the teacher
Phase 2 Create your own investigation
Think of something your group wants to test Ex: How does adding more of one thing affect temperature change? Which material makes the temperature change the least? Which material makes the temperature change the most?
Create a plan Write down the question you plan to test. Write down the steps you will take. In your science notebook… Description of Material Start Temperature End Temperature Change in Temperature
Data Write down your data. Include –Material used –How much –Temperature (beginning and end) –Temperature change –YOU MUST HAVE 5 OBSERVATIONS FOR EACH MATERIAL Create a conclusion (What is the answer to your question?)