New results on electromagnetic field simulation 19.11.2008 A.Vorozhtsov
Generation of the magnetic field map for 60 MeV proton acceleration
Field map and Isochronous field Interpolated from MSRD Bmain +Tosca TC contributions( value of the trim coils current from the table by Goto-san)
Delta (Bobtained-BISO) Before correction -94.33 -43.13 -115.96 -71.77 -111.27 -122.3 -176.04 -241.06 295.37 After correction -87.9 -59.23 -104.25 -64.92 -108.03 -125.77 -174.21 -231.9 273.39
The EMC B-field
MC coils structure
MC contributions