Discipline Management System
Administrator’s Dashboard
Teacher’s Dashboard
Incident Categories Tardiness or Truancy Failure to Obey Rules/ Authority Disrespectful/ Inappropriate Conduct Legal Concerns Aggressive Conduct Illegal Drugs/ Substances Weapons Categories are order from lesser offensive to greater
Locations Athletic Field Auditorium Bathroom/Restroom Bus Bus Loading Zone Bus Stop Cafeteria Classroom Commons/ Common Areas Categories are order from lesser offensive to greater
Locations cont. Computer Lab Gym Hall/Breeze Way Library Locker Room Office Parking Lot Playground Shop Area Categories are order from lesser offensive to greater
Locations cont. Special Event/ Assembly/ Field Trip Stairwell Categories are order from lesser offensive to greater
Behavior Codes Cheating Deceit Disruptive/Disrespectful Conduct Failure to Serve Detention Falsifying Identity Inappropriate Appearance Inappropriate Display of Affection Inappropriate Language Possession of Inappropriate Personal Property Categories are order from lesser offensive to greater
Behavior Codes cont. Skipping Class Tardiness Vehicle Parking Violation Gang Related Activity Habitual Violation of School Rules or Policies Insubordination Leaving School Without Permission Physical Fight Without Injury Possession of Imitation Weapon Categories are order from lesser offensive to greater
Behavior Codes cont. Possession of Knife not meeting Dangerous Weapon Definition (West Virginia Code ?61- 7-2) Profane Language/ Obscene Gesture/ Indecent Act Toward An Employee or A Student Technology Misuse Battery Against a Student Defacing School Property/ Vandalism False Fire Alarm Categories are order from lesser offensive to greater
Behavior Codes cont. Fraud/Forgery Gambling Hazing Improper or Negligent Operation of a Motor Vehicle Larceny Sexual Misconduct Threat of Injury/Assault Against An Employee or A Student Categories are order from lesser offensive to greater
Behavior Codes cont. Trespassing Harassment/Bullying/Intimidation Imitation Drugs: Possession, Use, Distribution or Sale Inhalant Abuse Possession/Use of Substance Containing Tobacco and/or Nicotine Battery Against a School Employee Felony Categories are order from lesser offensive to greater
Behavior Codes cont. Illegal Substance Related Behaviors Possession and/or Use of Dangerous Weapon Student Involved as non-offender, victim or target of incident Categories are order from lesser offensive to greater
Does not show for “Teachers”
Action Codes Administrator/student conference or reprimand Administrator and teacher-parent/guardian conference Academic sanctions Counseling referrals and conference to support staff or agencies Daily/weekly progress reports Behavioral contracts Referral to IEP Team Categories are order from lesser offensive to greater
Action Codes cont. Referral to support staff or agencies for counseling or other therapeutic services Referral to a tobacco cessation program Change in the student's class schedule School service assignment Confiscation of inappropriate item Revocation of privileges Restitution/restoration Detention - lunch Categories are order from lesser offensive to greater
Action Codes cont. Detention - before school Detention - after school Denial of participation in class and/or school activities Immediate exclusion by teacher from the classroom Voluntary weekend detention In-school suspension Law enforcement notification if warranted Categories are order from lesser offensive to greater
Action Codes cont. Removal of a student with a disability to an Interim Alternative Educational Setting by school personnel Removal of a student with a disability to Interim Alternative Educational Setting (IAES) by a WVDE Due Process Hearing Officer Out-of-school suspension Expulsion Recommended Expulsion Removal of a student to an alternative education placement Categories are order from lesser offensive to greater
You must place a checkmark in the “Select” box in addition to selecting a value from the drop down list in order to search on a category and for a specific value. * If you leave all check boxes un-marked, the search results will return everything you have entered into the system.
Notice the View, Edit, Delete columns – some options are not available Notice the View, Edit, Delete columns – some options are not available. Teachers cannot Edit or Delete an incident in which action has been taken.
You can run a report for who has any type of detention and for any date range. Detention types: After School, Before School, Lunch, Voluntary Weekend
Questions? Categories are order from lesser offensive to greater