East Solihull Locality Profile 2018
19% of Solihull population 1 in 4 aged 65+ North East West 39,800 people 19% of Solihull population 1 in 4 aged 65+ 85+ population increased by 25% in last 5 years. 94% white Majority of East Solihull is protected by Green Belt Low population density, but larger settlements such as Knowle & Balsall Common are earmarked for expansion
Least deprived locality in Solihull Access to Housing & Services – Deprived Areas Least deprived locality in Solihull 1 in 2 people live in least deprived 5% of neighbourhoods in England Low access to housing & services in some neighbourhoods is main concern Working age population highly qualified & healthy Low levels of unemployment, benefit dependency, housing need and other signs of income deprivation
31% of people say road & pavement repairs need improving 97% satisfied with area as place to live Volunteering highest in Borough Just 1 in 3 feel they can influence local decisions 31% of people say road & pavement repairs need improving Support for carers, community support for those who require care to live independently and traffic congestion also resident priorities.
Premature mortality and life limiting ill health low Life expectancy over 2 years longer than for England Healthy lifestyle behaviours the norm 2.4% of working age people in East receive ESA/Incapacity Benefits (5.8% England) Over 4 in 10 of these claim because of mental health issues
Large Number of 65+ Living Alone Older people living alone make up 1 in 5 of all households in some areas Potential wellbeing risk given geography Survey evidence suggests people know & support their neighbours Over 2,300 people in East 75 years+ with life limiting illness/disability But proportion of older people receiving funded social care support lowest in borough (15 per 1,000 compared to average of 28 per 1,000)
Very high attainment at both primary and secondary school Health of children & young people in the East is good Obesity low and falling Demand for children social services much lower than elsewhere in the borough The number of pupils with a Special Educational Need low, but a local concentration in Meriden Very high attainment at both primary and secondary school
Less than 1 in 10 feel unsafe after dark Reported crime lowest in borough, despite Airport hotspot Residents concern about ASB lower than rest of borough Rubbish & litter largest ASB concern (17% residents) 1 in 10 say drugs & vehicle nuisance are a problem in local area