Test Taking Strategies Academic Support Unit Adapted from: Practicing College Learning Strategies 3rd edition Carolyn H. Hopper
Reasons for test anxiety Poor preparation or poor test taking skills Negative test taking experience Negative attitude about school/college Low self-confidence
Reducing test anxiety Remember to take care of yourself (healthy food, enough sleep, sports) Take practice exams Come prepared Make an effort to relax periodically during the test Engage in positive self talk Visualize success Do relaxation techniques
Predicting test questions Notice clues to test questions from lecture material. (clues, repeated ideas, what written on the board, questions instructor asks) Notice clues to test questions from textbook. (bold print, summary, questions at the end of chapters.) Save all tests, quizzes, homework. Find out if previous tests are available.
Questions to be asked before an exam How many questions will be on the test? What types of questions will be on the test? What material will be covered? How much will the test count toward the final grade? Will the questions come primarily from the notes or the text? How much time will we have for the test? What materials (books, notes, calculators, dictionaries, etc) will we be able to use?
Tips for taking any test Determine types of questions. Make notes of anything you think you might forget. Out line your answer to discussion questions. Locate easy questions to answer first. Budget your time. According to time value. Follow the directions. (Activity1)
Types of Tests There are two basic categories of tests: 1) Objective: * there is one correct answer. * there are clues within the question to jog your memory. *Objective tests contain: True/false Multiple choice Matching Fill-in-the blank
2) Subjective: * there is also a correct answer for each question but also a range of possible ways to give this answer. * Subjective Tests Contain: Discussion Questions Essay Questions Short Answer Questions
Strategies for True/False Test Assume statements are true unless you know they are false. If any part of a statement is false, the whole state is false. True/false statements that give reasons tend to be false. A negative word or prefix doesn’t make a statement false. Simplify the question by getting rid of double negatives. e.g. It is not uncommon to see birds in the sky. If general qualifiers are present, good chance that statement. is true. (generally, probably, usually, sometimes) If absolute qualifiers are used, the statement is probably false. (all, always, no, never, none, every, entirely)
Strategies for Multiple Choice tests Realize that there is not always a perfect answer. You must choose the best answer. Cross out the incorrect answers (distracters). Read all possible Responses. Treat each option as a true/false question.
Strategies for fill-in questions Read the question for your self so that you can hear what is being asked. If more than one answer comes to mind, write both in the margin, come back later and choose the one you want. Make sure that your choice fits in logically and grammatically. Remember, your answer may require more than one word.
Strategies for matching Preview all of the possibilities before answering anything. Determine whether an answer can be used more than one. Answer the ones you are sure of first. Cross out options as you use them. Use logic to determine what is being asked for-a person? A place? A date?
Strategies for Essay Tests Make sure that you understand what the direction are asking you to do: compare/contrast, explain, list, describe, discuss. If possible, turn the question into a statement that becomes your thesis statement. To make sure you answer all parts, underline or circle keywords or phrases, and number the parts asked for in the question. Write well organized answers. Write complete answers. Budget your time, if you run out of time, ask if extra time is allowed. Proofread! Leave a space between answers so that you can add new ideas.