Text Structure Powerpoint Includes: 21 Slides 15 Printable Posters 5 Video Clips Kid-Friendly Language Created by: Not Just for Elementary
the way an author organizes information in a text Text Structure the way an author organizes information in a text
the author provides lots of details to give the reader mental pictures Description My magic potion contains some of these enchanting ingredients: unicorn sparkles, rainbow particles, and a hair from the Easter Bunny. the author provides lots of details to give the reader mental pictures
Magical phrases to look for: Description Magical phrases to look for: For example For instance Such as Including To illustrate Characteristics
Description Topic Detail
Description http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rkfp1zTPWc
Cause & Effect If you eat plenty of fruits and veggies, then you won’t need to visit me as often! the author shares ideas, events, or facts as a cause, then tells what happens as a result
Examine the text for these words: Cause & Effect Examine the text for these words: Therefore Because If…then So Since This led to As a result Cause/Effect Consequently
Cause & Effect Cause Effect
Cause & Effect https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHIWmCuGSJo
If it’s a slow night, I bring this mallet along to “help.” Problem & Solution If it’s a slow night, I bring this mallet along to “help.” the author presents a problem and explains one or more solutions to fix the problem
Problem & Solution Seek out these words: Dilemma If…then So that Answer is Problem/Solution Solve
Problem & Solution Problem Solution
Problem & Solution http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KB9vCM8ZRTo
the author lists steps or events in the order in which they happen Sequence First I rolled out the dough. Then added sauce, cheese, pepperonis, and vegetables. Finally, I baked it in the oven. the author lists steps or events in the order in which they happen
You’ll know it’s a recipe for sequence if you see these words: Then Next Before After Finally Later Now Previously First, Second, Third…
Sequence Event
Sequence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlGg4nt01G8
Both jackets are great, but the one on the right costs $200 more. Compare & Contrast Both jackets are great, but the one on the right costs $200 more. the author gives the similarities and differences between two or more things
Browse for these words: Compare & Contrast Browse for these words: Similar Different Alike In comparison Same Although As well Either…or But On the other hand However
Compare & Contrast Difference Similarities
Compare & Contrast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yTCShemS_0