WP5- Communication and Dissemination WP Leader: S-com S-com is an International non-profit association based in Brussels. It was funded in 2005 and has been working towards improving the role of communication in sustainability and social innovation, in line with the European strategy. S-com operates through participatory approaches and contrasting perspectives from various institutional representatives across the board, including researchers, professional practitioners and NGOs. In the project we manage the communication activities, organized in the WP5. Internal communication between partners, social media communication and dissemination of the results to an external audience. Task 5.1 – Implementation of the project portal Task 5.2 – Creation of the project’s digital identity Task 5.3 – Match-making platform Task 5.4 – Dissemination strategy Task 5.5 - Developing digital information and knowledge base focusing on research cooperation and geographic thematic aspect Task 5.6- Preparation of promotional material and reports MERID Final Conference 21/06/2018, Piran
Main achievements Task 5.1 – Implementation of the project portal Task 5.2 – Creation of the project’s digital identity Task 5.3 – Match-making platform Task 5.4 – Dissemination strategy Task 5.5 - Developing digital information and knowledge base focusing on research cooperation and geographic thematic aspect Task 5.6- Preparation of promotional material and reports The main achievement of the WP5 have been: Task 5.1 – Implementation of the project portal Task 5.2 – Creation of the project’s digital identity Task 5.3 – Match-making platform Task 5.4 – Dissemination strategy Task 5.5 - Developing digital information and knowledge base focusing on research cooperation and geographic thematic aspect Task 5.6- Preparation of promotional material and reports
www.meridproject.eu online from March 2015 Task 5.1 – Implementation of the project portal www.meridproject.eu online from March 2015 The website is the center of Merid project communications It hosts: Area news- update information about project and partners activities Project information: content, deliverables, events, brokerage, contact Social media channels Reserved area for partners Visibility and powerful retention tool 6076 users page-views: 17800 update 18/05/18
Asset in the open dialogue. Impact. Testo della 4 At the beginning of the project Social media channels, has been implemented. A Facebook page, and a Twitter and LinkedIn accounts. Merid started sharing contents on all of them in April 2015. The objective is to foster dialogue and build connections to outreach other actors and digitally act as a bridge between existing experiences. WP5 will establish synergies with MedSpring Agora in order to maximize the impact. The critical mass of connections counts over 400 likes on Facebook, more then 350 followers on Twitter and 300 LinkedIn connections that, considered the topic of the project, is a good results.
Task 5.2 – Creation of the project’s digital identity Social media activities and Live twitting On the Facebook page have been published numerous posts each week, often more than one per day, almost all of them receiving likes therefore showing a certain degree of appreciation. The themes mainly concerned were advancements of MERID-related projects and events, Horizon 2020 policies and contents from other sources. The twitter account tweeted around 500 tweets until now. During the events was launched an hashtag (such as #MeridConference today) with the aim of gathering all the tweets coming from different accounts regarding the event, with a live-tweeting approach.
Task 5.3 – Match-making platform In the occasion of the brokerage events organized by the project was implemented a Match-Making platform. Its objective is to support the Brockerage Events of the project. http://agora.medspring.eu/brokerage_bari/ LINK NON FUNZIONANTE
Task 5.5 – Developing public digital information The quarterly publication will provide the external vision on project and its progress. Timing M8-12-16-20-24-28-32-36. We developed all the digital information regarding the project: We published 8 quarterly reports that can be found online on the MERID website. Each of them is structured with and introduction followed by information on the past and future events and deliverables, relevant news and articles and videos of the partners. (As an example we show you the 8th report which summarizes the main results of the project reached so far.)
Task 5.6 – Digital promotional material Timing M6-M18 -M30. Output D.5.3 Promotional material Package 1, 2, 3 Objective: Increase the visibility of the project. Infographics We tried to shape an identity of the MERID project through events and other materials, among which there are the staging materials around you. Among the action there are: Printings of MERID roll-ups (for the final conference and the MERID brockerage) MERID banners An agenda for the website Conference booklets Quaterly publications 3 editions of Merid brochure Infographics
Task 5.6 – Digital promotional material Video promotional During the project we decided to involve and interview our partners and other science diplomacy experts, and we publish all that videos on the project website. as Tanya Dimitrova-Policy Officer at the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission suggested. The interviews involved: Dr. George Bonas – Impressions on Tehran Science Diplomacy Dr. George Bonas Luk Van Langehove Reinaheh Eshraghi Merid regional event (Beirut) Chafic Mokbel Rami M. Ayoubi Nesreen Ghaddar Amir Ghadiri – Director of IRAMOT Youtube channel collect all the interview and promotional video https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyvY7e1oSwj8weLiyaupysA
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION WEB SITE: http://meridproject.eu/ Persons of contact ruberti@netseven.it valentina.zoccali@scom.eu