Summary and Action Points Joint meeting WG DIKE, GES, POMESA 27 April 2017
Comments on introductory chapters (sections 1 and 2) Ensure ability to report according to old and new Commission Decision COM / EEA to check inconsistencies in new Annex of Reporting Guidance Assessment period is the last 6 years Clarify use of proposed text-based report structure in Reporting Guidance 'Proportion' over which the thresholds needs to be achieved will be clarified in Reporting Guidance GES Trends vs. observed trends – GES trends is to go into the text field of the schema Call for section in Guidance explaining the transitional reporting phase of the MSFD (i.e. start of 2nd implementation cycle)
Features and elements (Section 3.2) Clarify the use of the term ‘feature’ in the text Consistency of lists – EUNIS list in different parts of the document
Reporting on Art. 8(1a, b) (updates of assessments of pressures and impacts and of ecosystem elements) No changes
Reporting on Art. 8(1c) (economic and social analysis of uses of marine waters, costs of degradation) Move link with measures from Art 8.1.c to Article 10 schema Add ‘Other’ category in possible approaches to report ‘Cost of degradation’ reporting to be checked Include NACE code in the reporting Make dropdown menus more ‘intelligent’ (applicable to all schemas)
Reporting on Art. 10 (environmental targets) Field for qualitative targets to be added Link of targets reporting to existing measures to be optional
Use of WFD assessments for 2018 reporting Different views: aggregation at the RBD level vs. Water Body types Possibility to have: the EEA prepare some worked examples for September 2017 meeting of WG DIKE and more discussion on this Or decide to not implement the prefiling work COM to reflect on the options and come back to the CIS groups (based also on the written comments on the proposal)
TIMELINES FOR MSFD 2018 REPORTING PREPARATION Phase Due-date First proposal of schemas Mar-17 Member States Draft guidance document (v1) DG ENV/EEA Second proposal of schemas Apr-17 Draft guidance document (v2) Final schemas May-17 Final guidance document (v3) MS warine waters and subdivisions updates submitted to CDR Aug-17 Draft MRUs layers Sep-17 Validation of MRUs layers Nov-17 Codelists and vocabularies Webforms ready for a pre-test phase Pre-test phase (Nov-Dec) Dec-17 Final MRUs layers Jan-18 Prefilling (2012 submissions, RSC & WFD information) Webforms ready for a test phase Feb-18 Test-phase (Feb-Apr) Apr-18 Correction of errors/modification of the data-model and QA/QC May-18 CDR help website updated Jun-18 Reporting system (schemas, QA/QC, webforms) ready for reporting Reporting start-date Jul-18
Action points What Who When Written comments on Reporting Guidance WG GES-DIKE-POMESA 8 May 2017 V3 of Reporting Guidance released COM / EEA 31 May 2017 Written comments on WFD paper 19 May 2017 Written comments on marine reporting units paper V4 of Reporting Guidance released 30 June 2017