Starter: What do you know about World War 2? Write down 1) Something that you definitely know. 2) Something you think is true. 3) Something you would like to know.
Collective memory task In your team you are going to look at a picture one at a time. There can only be one of your team looking at the picture at any time. You must feedback information to your team about the picture Eventually you will be asked questions on the picture to see how well you gathered your information as a team.
Source A : A photograph used in the national newspapers of the King and Queen outside Buckingham Palace after the raid of 10th September 1940 So
Team quiz What is the building in the picture? How many men are there in the picture? How many men are wearing something on their heads? Who is the lady in the picture What is the letter of the source? Where did this source appear? What was the date when the photograph was taken? What do you think has happened in the picture?
25 February 201925 February 201925 February 2019 Title: How did the Blitz affect people living in London during World War 2? 25 February 201925 February 201925 February 2019 Learning Objective: To know what it was like to live in London during the Blitz. Key Words : Blitz / Impact / Luftwaffe Success Criteria: Good: To give reasons for the Blitz happening = Grade D Great: To explain the impact of the Blitz on people living in London = Grade C Awesome: To explain why the Blitz could be seen as both good and bad for people living in London = Grade C+
Activity 1: THINK / PAIR / SHARE “The Blitz was when the German airforce (The Luftwaffe) bombed British cities, including London, between September 1940 and May 1941.” Q: Why do you think they did this? THINK: Think on your own. (1 minute) PAIR: Tell your partner why you think this happened and write down your answers. (2 minutes) SHARE: Share your answers with the class. (3 minutes)
Progress check: What have you learnt so far? Based on what you have learnt so far, what do you think were the NEGATIVE impacts on people living in London during the Blitz? KEYWORD CHECK: Impact Extension: Do you think there could have been any POSITIVE impacts?
Activity 2: Source Hunt Find the sources around the room and complete your tables about the impact of the Blitz on the people living in London.
Imagine this is one of the sources Source X: A scene from London in October 1940. Let’s answer the questions from the table together before you complete the activity.
The impact of the Blitz In London alone 12,500 people died in November. In each week of September 1940 40,000 to 50,000 people lost their homes. In the Blitz Britain suffered more civilian than military casualties People were so terrified that they fled the cities each night, sleeping at relatives or in farmers’ barns or just camping in open fields. How well do you think the government’s preparation for war worked during the Blitz? Do you think that anything more could’ve been done?
Radar and air sirens gave people warning of most raids so they had time to get into the shelters. Task: Why do you think politicians thought that civilians would give in under attack? Do you think this was a case of lack of experience or lack of respect for their own people? Hitler believed that he could bomb Britain into submission. Politicians also held this view.
How reliable is each Source in telling us what the people of London were like during the Blitz? SOURCE B “All reports from London are agreed that the population is seized by fear. The Londoners have completely lost their self-control.” Nazi-controlled French radio broadcast, 18th September 1940. SOURCE A “Hitler expects to terrorise and cow the people of this mighty city… Little does he know the spirit of the British nation, or the tough fibre of the Londoners.” Winston Churchill, radio broadcast 11th September 1940. It is often said that the evidence and eye witness accounts that survive from the time of the Blitz are unreliable. Why do you think this is?
Paired Plenary: Wall of Certainty Thinking about everything you have learnt today, get ready to stand against the Wall of Certainty, and answer this question: “The Blitz changed the lives of people living in London for the worst.” Try to mention which sources you use in your answer.
Re-visit the Success Criteria: Have you made any progress this lesson? 25 February 201925 February 201925 February 2019 Learning Objective: To know what it was like to live in London during the Blitz. Success Criteria: Good: To give reasons for the Blitz happening = Grade D Great: To explain the impact of the Blitz on people living in London = Grade C Awesome: To explain why the Blitz could be seen as both good and bad for people living in London = Grade C+
You Say, We Pay Nazi Germany Blitz Luftwaffe World War 2 Impact
Source A: A photograph taken in London the morning after an air raid.
Source B: A poster produced by the Government in 1940.
Source C: People sheltering in an underground tube station during an air raid in November 1940.
Source D: A diary entry written by a woman living in London during the Blitz in 1941. Last night was one of the worst nights of bombing. The Germans came from about 10pm, just after I had gone to bed. I only just had time to get the children dressed before the streets started getting hit. We ran into the underground, and there was a lot of pushing and shoving as everyone was very scared. We had no choice but to stay down there all night in the cold, on the hard floor. We entertained ourselves by singing together, and that made us all feel better. The next morning I was very grateful that my house was still standing, but others had not been so lucky. We heard from the police that at least 100 people died last night, but that the Germans had lost a lot of planes too, which made me feel proud of our pilots in the RAF.
Source E: A police report dated 2nd December 1940. We arrested 5 men last night because they were looting (stealing from) a house that was empty due to the bombing. The men said that they were looking for food because they and their families are hungry. The war is starting to make people desperate as everybody is having to cope without enough food and many have been made homeless. There is a plus side to the damage, and that is that with so many poor quality houses wrecked, the government will have to build better houses once this war is finished.