panacea: noun definition: a remedy for all disease or ills an answer or solution for all problems or difficulties
panacea pronunciation: pan-uh-see-uh
panacea synonyms: remedy elixir relief cure nostrum
panacea related forms: adjective panacean
panacea We need a panacea in order to solve our country’s economic woes.
panacea When first discovered, penicillin was considered a panacea, a wonder drug that would cure everything.
panacea Yoga is considered a panacea that will eliminate stress.
panacea Many people see Charter Schools as a panacea, the perfect answer to our educational malaise.
panacean Panacean solutions to problems are often sought, but seldom found.
panacean Some panacean remedies are helpful but unappetizing.
panacean Pets are recognized for the panacean effect they have on the elderly.