Antithrombotic Therapy in PAD
Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) Prevalence and Clinical Awareness
Risk Factors for PAD
Identifying Patients With PAD Importance of History and Performing Ankle-Brachial Index
Lower Extremity Amputation Geographic Variation in the United States
Comprehensive Approach to Management Needed
COMPASS Active and Nonactive Clinical Conditions at Baseline
Goals of Therapy
Patients With PAD in Denmark
US Analysis Also Found Underuse of Guideline-Recommended Therapies for PAD
Antiplatelet Therapy for PAD AHA/ACC Guidelines Class I, IIa
Anticoagulation in PAD WAVE
COMPASS 27,395 Subjects, 602 Sites, 33 Countries
COMPASS Population
COMPASS Primary Outcome CV Death, Stroke, MI
COMPASS Components of Primary Outcome
COMPASS Cumulative Incidence Risk of MACE
COMPASS: Composite Outcomes for PAD CV Death, Stroke, MI, MALE (Including Major Amputation)
COMPASS PAD Subgroup Major Adverse Limb Events (MALE) and Major Amputation
COMPASS Major Bleeding (PAD Subgroup)
Rivaroxaban FDA Approval
COMPASS Independent Predictors of MALE
Patient Considerations: Those at Highest Risk
Recent Pathology Research Examines Below and Above Knee Amputations
Abbreviations (cont)