Louis Friedman 20 July 2010
History of Solar Sail Test Flights YearCountryFlight GoalResult 1993RussiaZnamiye -- Deployment of shade outside of Mir Success – but not a sail 1999Russia Znamiye-2 Deployment test from Progress Collided with s/c antenna during deployment 2002TPSSub-orbital deployment testRocket 3 rd stage failed to separate 2004JapanSub-orbital deployment testsSuccess 2006JapanDeployment test in Earth orbit on Astro-F Did not fully deploy 2005TPSCOSMOS 1 – Fully controlled flight in Earth orbit Rocket failed during 1 st stage 2008U.S.Nanosail-D: Sail orbital deployment in atmosphere as a drag brake Rocket failed to deliver to orbit 2010JapanIKAROS: interplanetary flightJune – successful deploy first solar sail in space
History of Solar Sail Test Flights
Solar Sails In Development MissionWhoSizeStatusMassLaunch COSMOS 1TPS150 sq mLaunch failure130 kg2005 Nanosail DMSFC9 sq. mLaunch failure4.5 Kg2008 IKAROSJAXAIn orbit – success2010 Lightsail – 1TPS32 sq mIn development4.5 kg2011 CubesailEADS - Surrey 25 sq. mIn planning/dev.5kg Cube SailCU Aerospace 20 sq. mIn planning5Kg Lightsail - 2TPS100 sq mIn planning stages10 kg2013 Ultra SailCU Aerospace 100 sq mIn planning20 kg DragonflyAmsat10 sq mLast data kgNo plans Nanosail D-IIMSFC20 sq. mRefurb. & launch4.5 kgSept
Some Other History Halley Comet Heilogyro Study at JPL Mariner 10 used solar pressure for attitude control MESSENGER used solar pressure for navigation control of trajectory World Space Federation private effort built sail U3P in France another private effort Abortive Columbus 500 Race to the Moon Competition had several private groups ESA/DFVLR/Kayser-Threde development started for Volna launch NASA/MSFC with Industry built two 20x20 meter prototypes NASA ST9 mission proposal
Congratulations to the Japan SPace Exploration Center (JSPEC) of JAXA for their IKAROS Solar Sail flight. We look forward o hearing more about the flight
Now to the Present – IKAROS Piggyback on the Venus Climate Orbiter (Planet-C) Mission: June 2010 Congratulations to the Japan SPace Exploration Center (JSPEC) of JAXA for their IKAROS Solar Sail flight. We look forward o hearing more about the flight
IKAROS Sail and Deployment Deploying the Solar Sail Tip Mass Solar Cell! Tether Steering Device Vary reflectance - current
IKAROS in Space
NASA Nanosail-D Marshall Space Flight Center developed Ames developed nanosat bus Not for sailing, but for atmospheric drag Aug 2008 flight lost when Falcon 1 failed First sought for TPS to fly spare spacecraft MSFC changed mind: now planning to fly piggyback on DOD FastSat in Jan(?) 2010 TPS nominally part of mission but doing nothing
Solar Sails Characteristic Acceleration (micro-g)