Federal Housing Policy Updates from NLIHC James Saucedo, Housing Advocacy Organizer Empower Missouri Bi-Monthly Advocates’ Briefing March 1, 2018
About NLIHC NLIHC is dedicated to ensuring access to safe, decent, affordable housing for people with the lowest incomes. Reprioritizing federal spending on affordable housing Protecting and expanding federal housing resources Expanding the national Housing Trust Fund (HTF) Ensuring equitable access to affordable housing Ensuring equitable disaster housing recovery Become a member and receive our Action Alerts: http://nlihc.org/takeaction http://nlihc.org/membership
State of the Federal Budget
State of the Federal Budget Congress Passes Two-Year Budget Deal Continues to operate FY’18 federal programs under a Continuing Resolution until March 23 Lifts sequester budget caps for two years: $63 billion increase in FY’18 and $68 billion in FY’19 Raises the federal debt ceiling Also funds disaster relief, children’s health care, community health centers, and efforts to combat the opioid epidemic Congress now needs to negotiate specific line item appropriations TAKE ACTION! Sign your organization to our federal budget letter at: http://bit.ly/2ocUZqa Deadline: Friday, March 16, 2018
State of the Federal Budget President Trump released FY’19 federal budget request to Congress Proposes drastic cuts to housing and homelessness programs similar to last year—though slightly less severe Proposes $8.8 billion cut to HUD—that’s 18.3% of the overall HUD budget Proposes complete elimination of HOME, CDBG, HTF, ICH, VASH, SHOP, and Public Housing Capital Along with other measures to gut the federal budget, this is all designed to pay for the $1.5 trillion tax cut package passed in December
Proposed Benefits Cuts
Proposed Benefits Cuts President Trump released FY’19 federal budget request to Congress Also proposes punitive benefits cuts Measures aimed at cutting the number of people eligible for public assistance through housing programs Imposes work requirements on housing programs Imposes rent increases on housing programs TAKE ACTION! Sign your organization to our letter opposing housing benefit cuts and punitive restrictions at: http://bit.ly/2GhrHh8. Deadline: Friday, March 16, 2018
Update on the National Housing Trust Fund (HTF)
Updated on the HTF Federal Housing Finance Agency Director Mel Watt announced he will protect the 2017 allocation for the national Housing Trust Fund (HTF) HTF will receive $268.6 million for 2017 We turn now to protecting the HTF against attempts to eliminate the program entirely We also turn to expanding the program through comprehensive housing finance reform TAKE ACTION! Join our HTF Campaign and our more than 1,300 organizations that joined a recent sign- on letter to Congress at: http://bit.ly/2FjBMK5
NLIHC’s Annual Policy Forum, March 19-21
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Our Homes, Our Voices Housing Week of Action May 1-8
Upcoming Housing Week of Action
NLIHC Membership
NLIHC Membership
Thank you! “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” -Margaret Mead James Saucedo, JSaucedo@NLIHC.org 202-507-7452, Direct Twitter: @JSaucedo13