Teaching Assistants… RULE!
“What Are Teachers Expecting From Me?” Arrive on time wearing appropriate attire, badge, and smile.
“What Are Teachers Expecting From Me?” Greet the teacher and wait for instructions. Try not to disrupt any activities that are going on. Be patient and quiet.
“What Are Teachers Expecting From Me?” Greet the student(s) you may be reading with that day. Remember this is not social time it is learning time. Act like a professional member of the Wolf Pack!
“What Are Teachers Expecting From Me?” Know what your task is. Ask questions if you do not understand.
“What Are Teachers Expecting From Me?” Stay on-task. Do not turn your time with your peer into wasted time. If the conversation is turning into a gripe session or what you did last night, politely remind the other person that there is an assignment that needs to be completed.
“What Are Teachers Expecting From Me?” Finish with a GENUINE compliment. GREAT reading with you today! Cool voice! You chose a great book! This was the HIGHLIGHT of my day!
Types of Reading Choral reading. Reading together keeping your voices together as you read in unison.
Types of Reading Echo reading. Pairs of students take turns reading short passages or dialogue. You should practice reading silently before reading aloud with one another.
Types of Reading Rereading. Rereading to each other is a great way to practice each others skills and strategies while developing fluency.
Types of Reading Discussing the reading. You may be asked to discuss what was just read. This helps with reading comprehension, or understanding what was read. Use the titles, subtitles, pictures, captions, and first sentences of paragraphs to capture the main idea of the passage during these discussions.
Types of Reading Timed Reading. Timing for one minute how many words correct in a passage the other read.
Think and Write… What was the best thing you ever LEARNED in school? How did the teacher teach this lesson? What will you do to make your teaching assisting successful? SHARE at your table.
GREAT SUCCESS with your I wish you GREAT SUCCESS with your teaching assisting assignment!