10/9 & 10/10 GOOD MORNING! After you have copied the Objective and Homework in your agenda, please get out a piece of paper and label and date it: Quote Response #9 – 10/9 or 10/10. Silently read the quote to yourself. Then, interpret the quote in a paragraph response. You will have 6 minutes for this writing activity. "There can be no happiness if the things we believe in are different from the things we do.” Freya Stark British - Italian explorer and travel writer Life Skill: Sincerity - freedom from deceit, duplicity, or HYPOCRISY hypocrisy is the contrivance of a false appearance of virtue or goodness, while concealing real character or inclinations
10/9 & 10/10 Next, please prepare for a whole-group, teacher-modeled annotation activity using our “Yellowstone Autumn” homework. You will need a blue, black, green, & red pen. For today’s activity, if you do not have your own utensils, you may borrow mine. In order for you to complete future activities and homework assignments accurately and efficiently, you will need your own. You will see that I take annotation very, very seriously, and that I believe the annotation strategy to be the single most important reading strategy to prepare your for success after graduation. Finally, we will discuss a test taking strategy known as TQR – Test Question Rational.
Insert “Yellowstone Autumn” Annotated Copy – Page 1
Insert “Yellowstone Autumn” Annotated Copy – Page 2
10/9 & 10/10 Next, we will engage in a test taking strategy known as TQR – Test Question Rational. TQR requires a test taker to identify the correct response through the elimination of the wrong responses. During the elimination process, the test taker locates evidence in the text that disproves a statement. In most cases, there is no evidence in the text to support wrong answers. Other times, there is evidence to support an answer, but the evidence does not answer the exact question being asked.
10/9 & 10/10 - Homework Quote Response #8 – Respond using a 1 chunk paragraph as worked on in class. Pay close attention to the expected use of 3rd person pronouns in addition to your use of the possessive apostrophe. “A bad habit never disappears miraculously; it’s an ‘undo-it-yourself’ project.” Abigail Van Buren_ Advice Columnist & author of “Dear Abby” Life Skill: Gumption - initiative, resourcefulness
10/11 – A Day GOOD MORNING! After you have copied the Objective and Homework in your agenda, prepare for the Quarter 1 Binder Check. I am expecting that this take us no more than 20 minutes. Please listen closely to the directions. I prefer you use a blue pen. No pencil. Finally, we will engage in a College Readiness & Self-Reflection Activity.
College Readiness – 10/11 – A Day As we discuss each criteria, please rate yourself using the CHECK PLUS / CHECK / CHECK MINUS evaluation technique. CHECK PLUS = ABOVE AVERAGE EFFORT & PARTICIPATION CHECK = AVERAGE EFFORT & PARTICIPATION CHECK MINUS = BELOW AVERAGE EFFORT & PARTICIPATION
10/12 – B Day GOOD MORNING! After you have copied the Objective and Homework in your agenda, prepare for the Quarter 1 Binder Check. I am expecting that this take us no more than 20 minutes. Please listen closely to the directions. I prefer you use a blue pen. No pencil. After, we will review the grading observations for the Quarter 1 Quote Response Rewrite – Take Home Assessment. Finally, we will engage in a discussion about college readiness.
10/13 – A Day GOOD MORNING! After you have copied the Objective and Homework in your agenda, prepare to review the grading observations for the Quarter 1 Quote Response Rewrite – Take Home Assessment. You will need a blue or black pen. You will need the Essay Corrections for Expository Writing Tracking Chart from the Writing section of your binder. You will need the Expository Writing Content Codes Tracking Chart from the Writing section of your binder. You will need the Grammar Codes Tracking Chart from the Writing section of your binder. You will need the Q1 Quote Response Rewrite. You will need the WBE-EQ#1 piece of writing.