After the Visit – A Summary for the Patient: Making it Meaningful My Visit After the Visit – A Summary for the Patient: Making it Meaningful Sarah C. Nosal, MD Institute for Family Health
Meaningful Use Core Set Objective Provide clinical summaries for patients for each office visit
Learning Objectives Benefits of the After Visit Summary (AVS) Key Components of the AVS Overcoming Provider resistance to the AVS Future directions for the AVS
Benefits of the After Visit Summary Previous studies have suggested that patients who have high levels of self management have better health outcomes, that visit summaries introduced into ambulatory encounters lead to higher levels of self-management as well as to increase patient safety through better medication reconciliation
Patient Engagement Improved understanding of health issues & treatment plans Improved adherence Better outcomes
Communication Reference for patients & other providers Point-of-Care resource & personal health info for those without ready access to computers Access for patients with no computers Prefer paper records
Pre-Visit Planning Planning for the next visit “To Do” list for patient Goals and follow up
Key Components of the AVS
Maintain an up-to-date problem list of current and active diagnoses *will add improved problem list for presentation
Maintain active medication list
To do list Patient friendly results
Patient Instructions – Specific Goals
Patient Instructions – Health Education
Patient Instructions – Identifying Barriers & Committing to Change *this may not be most up to date text – well review and update prior to presentation
Overcoming Provider Resistance
Getting the provider to push the button… Perceived barriers to AVS – time, physical barriers (printers, etc), remembering
*hoping to get PULSE data from Lurio on providers printing out AVS (graph) Discuss provider resistance, time, need for printers, mandating printing – hard stop?
Future Directions “The Institute is committed to developing innovative ways to provide primary care to disadvantaged populations and addressing health disparities. We believe that our patients should be among the first to benefit from new health technology, rather than among the last is typically seen in underserved communities”
Need GENERIC and NAME BRANDs of medications listed Discuss patients taken duplicates of the same medication
Health Literacy level still too high… Mention complexity of after visit summary instructions – meet criteria but lose value as a tool for patients Health Literacy level still too high…
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