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Presentation transcript:

Paul’s Epistles To The Churches & Saints In Galatia Philippi Ephesus Colossae

Paul’s Epistle To The Colossians Asceticism (Wikipedia) is a lifestyle characterized by abstinence from sensual pleasures, often for the purpose of pursuing spiritual goals. Ascetics may withdraw from the world for their practices or continue to be part of their society, but typically adopt a frugal lifestyle, characterized by the renunciation of material possessions and physical pleasures, and time spent fasting while concentrating on the practice of religion or reflection upon spiritual matters.

Paul’s Epistle To The Colossians Fasting in the context of Col. 2 Brethren were admonished not to bind or be bound by the commandments of men (2:22) We have Christians an example: (Acts 13:1-4) Purpose: Reflection Often coupled with intense prayer Not to be seen of men The argument could be made the fasting is not a rite to employ but a natural companion of intense devotion.

Paul’s Epistle To The Colossians Purpose Christ is everything you need – 1:1-29 Do not let anyone spoil what you have – 2: 1-23 A picture of the true child of God – 3:1-4:18 Alternatively Consider the blessings that you have – Col. 1-2 Live in a way that is pleasing – Col. 3-4 What is the theme of the letter? Christ is all you need

Paul’s Epistle To The Colossians Outline: Colossians 3:1 – 4:6 Picture of the true child of God Concentrate on heavenly things (3:1-4) Put away sinful attitudes (3:5-11) Put on positive characteristics (3:12-17) Human responsibilities (3:18-4:1) Continue steadfastly (4:2-4) Walk wisely among those who are not Christians (4:5-6)

Paul’s Epistle To The Colossians Concentrate on heavenly things (3:1-4) What are we to do? Actively Seek (Matt. 6:33; 13:45) What are we to seek? Spiritual things above this earth (1:14; 2:3) Why do we set our minds on things above? Raised with Christ Christ is at the right hand of God Christ died for us

Paul’s Epistle To The Colossians Put away sinful attitudes (3:5-11) What is to be done with the Old Man? Put to death (v.5) Put off (vv. 8,9)

Paul’s Epistle To The Colossians Put away sinful attitudes (3:5-11) What were behaviors of the Old Man? Fornication Uncleanness Passion Evil desire Covetousness Anger Wrath Malice Lying

Paul’s Epistle To The Colossians Put on positive characteristics (3:12-3:17) Compassionate hearts Kindness Humility Meekness Longsuffering / Patience Bearing with one another Forgiving one another Love – “binder joining everything together” Peace of God rules one’s heart Thankful Word of Christ dwells in one

Paul’s Epistle To The Colossians Actions of a New Man (3:12-3:17) He worships God in song He abides by the rule of Christ

Paul’s Epistle To The Colossians Human Responsibilities (3:18-4:1) Wives (v.18) Husbands (v.19) Children (v.20) Parents (v.21) Servants (3:22-25) Masters (4:1)