ESL SLO Reports Spring 2017
Responses from sites:
Course Title
ESL pretest and planning
Please describe the changes you have implemented for your students this semester as a result of ESL pretest. I focused more on developing writing. I made sure writing was an everyday part of the lesson plan More emphasis was put on their writing skills. I worked on writing this semester
Recommendations Build support for listening and writing Provide teachers with tools to assess listening and writing skills Provide teachers with tools to assess grammar use
Is the currently in place CASAS reading assessment helping you address the needs of your students?
Is the currently in place CASAS reading assessment helping you address the needs of your students? Please justify your answer. Selected quotes: Yes, by looking at the CASAS test results I can see how my students are improving and if they need extra help in a certain area. It is helpful to know their CASAS level. I like that it covers a wide range of information. I like that students are able to show growth and take different tests within the same semester. After the results of the CASAS tests, I discussed them with my class. We looked at all the areas that were performed low and high. We addressed the skills that were performed low. I also need to create/plan/and or change my lesson plans to meet their needs.
Recommendations for CASAS reading assessment
What other assessment tools do you use to help you gauge your students’ success?
Other assessments I sometimes give them a short test at the end of each chapter to see if they have learned the purpose of the chapter. I use listening drills on line. teacher observation is very usefu I definitely like to use dictation a lot. I use formative oral and written assessments, where I ask students to explain and/or write down a summary of some specific items they have learned each day. I give the class a critical-thinking question for discussion.
Do you use any other assessment tool in your classroom?
Considering assessment results, what specific improvements would you like to see in your classroom that would help your students succeed? I would like to implement more listening and writing exercises more reading and writing activities that incorporate the grammar points emphasis on writing practice and grammar instruction. More spelling and sentence writing We should continue to discuss best practices for assessments and student goal attainment. We need to have assessments reflect what is taught in class. Counseling within the classroom.
In demand:
Any other comments Attendance is still the major factor in ' learning outcomes. Thank you for making this survey much easier and more related to our needs. Writing is challenging to master Students could write down and keep track of what they learned in a portfolio. I wish that who are not serious about learning will be graded early on and not be accepted in the program till the following
Any other recommendations?
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