PBIS Play-by-Play: Correction Say: How effective a corrective strategy is heavily depends on how well we have implemented the other 5 of the Big 6. Before moving into correction, we must start by having a couple of fundamental understanding. Say: Let’s talk about this question… “the question of control”. I would like each of you to take a minute and write a list of things you have ultimate control over in your classroom, other than yourself. An example would be, “I have control over my schedule”, but what if we have a fire alarm or a student disrupts the flow of instruction. You limited control in these circumstances. So, go ahead and take a minute and make a list. Wait… Say: I would like a few of you to share things on your list. (Call on a 3-4 participants and make corrections as necessary to highlight the fact that they have very little control in their classrooms) Say: Without evidence-based practices to manage our classrooms, we typically land on two tools: Hope and Influence. This limits our success for implementing the behavioral science for correcting behavior errors. Before correcting children, we generally like our students (smile while nodding head). Yes, generally, because we all have had that day when we were not so sure we like anyone. We need to be aware of our state of being because when we move into implementing corrective strategies, we are naturally frustrated and lose sight being calm and informative when correcting a behavior error. Here’s an example…when we look at an academic mistake, we usually approach the student with a few questions, guide them to the correct answer, reteach if needed, and reinforce. However, if they make a low-level behavior error, we should approach correcting our students just like we correct academic errors. Say: Today, let’s see how we can approach students behavior errors by implementing various corrective strategies. <click> Campus Name Here
PBIS Play-By-Play: Reviewing The Big 6 Say: Let’s quickly review. When we refer to the term “The Big 6”, as it relates to Positive Behavioral Supports and Interventions or PBIS, we are discussing these components of the classroom learning environment. 1. Culture and Relationships…the combination of teacher and student experiences that impact the feel or culture of the classroom. Structure…the organization and well-designed procedures that assist in making the classroom a safe, predictable environment. Expectations…this component relates to the explicit planning and teaching of classroom behavior expectations, including our behavior matrices and lesson plans. Interaction…this is another term for engagement or the concept of providing students with opportunities to respond and highly participate in the classroom experience Reinforcement…from high-fives to forms of descriptive feedback, this component is a cornerstone of PBIS. It’s all about recognizing students for approaching, reaching or exceeding the behaviors we want to see students engage in. Correction…this last component of classroom relates to the strategies and responses used to decrease interfering behaviors in the future as well as the promotion of positive ones. <click>
T-TESS & PBIS in the Classroom Visual representation of the connection between: PBIS in the Classroom T-TESS Domain 3 (Learning Environment) PBIS in the Classroom is also connected to other dimensions in Domain 1 (Planning) and Domain 2 (Instruction) Say: Regardless which of the Big 6 components we refer to when discussing PBIS in the Classroom, the practices can be found in multiple dimensions of T-TESS. In fact, take a look at this T-TESS and PBIS in the Classroom Infographic to help make additional connections. Now, let’s take a look at this component of the Big 6. Optional: distribute TTESS and PBIS infographic. Click on picture of infographic to obtain PDF version.
PBIS Play-By-Play Correction Spend the most time preventing problem behavior from occurring. The previous 5 of the “Big 6” A calm, caring approach by staff when correcting behavior Be predictable and consistent Be looking for function in which the inappropriate behavior is serving for the student Always think about how to decrease the likelihood of inappropriate behaviors in the future. Determine which behaviors are classroom-managed versus office- managed (campus discipline system). Say: Before moving to correction, we want to be sure we have spend time enough time on prevention. Start by ensuring that the first 5 of the best practices are solidly in place. We want to use: A calm caring approach when addressing behavior, “sad not mad” Be sure that we are being consistent about what behaviors we are going to address. Say: Note…be mindful of these two things and equitable in our corrections. Here’s an example…“no cell phones in my class”, but another day I want you to show me a meme you liked on Facebook or play games when your done with your work. Always, be looking for the function of the inappropriate behavior is serving for the student ( i.e. Are they are avoiding work, getting attention from peers, getting your attention) and teaching a more acceptable behavior to meet the same function of the student’s behavior. Say: Next, we need to determine whether the behavior is classroom or office managed. This is were we turn to our campus discipline system. If we determine that it is classroom managed (a precorrection or low-level behavior) we should implement a corrective strategy. Let’s take a look… <click>
PBIS Play-by-Play: Correction Say: We are going to go over one strategy in each of the follow areas: Precorrection, Low-Level Behavior Error, and Repeated Behavior Error. In the slide, you can see a few examples of strategies for each of theses areas which were covered in the PBIS modules. <click>
Pre-correction Strategy PBIS Play-by-Play: Pre-correction Strategy Strategy: Enforceable Statements Purpose: A method of prompting a desired behavior as you see interfering behaviors beginning to occur. Three Keys: Tells the child WHEN and WHAT YOU will do Follow through with what you say, be realistic Avoid threats (this destroys your credibility) Say: The first strategy in precorrection is called enforceable statements. This strategy provides a method of prompting a desired behavior as you see an interfering behavior begin to occur. There are three keys to this strategy. It is used to tell a child when and what you will do. However, we must follow through on the enforcement and avoid threats. Say: Enforceable statements are a great tool to remind students of the expectation without giving them a directive. It works well for student that are a little more challenging and helps guide them to solving their issue. Say: For an example: A student wants me to call on them for the answer, but they are yelling out or standing up dancing around. So my enforceable statement might start with “I call on students who…(state desired behavior) “are seated quietly with their hand raised.” (Keep in mind: I cannot control who yells out or dances around, but I can control who I call on for an answer). Say: Here’s an enforceable statement: “I call on students who are seated quietly with their hands raised”. This would be an independent group contingency enforceable statement. You may ask, what is a group contingency? A group contingency -- all students have the opportunity to seat quietly with their hands raised (meet the same expectation and earn the same reward/acknowledgement) – for this example, this is an independent group contingency because the whole class is addressed for each student to meet the expectation. <click>
HOW TO USE IN VARIOUS CONTEXTS PBIS Play-by-Play: Pre-correction Strategy HOW TO USE IN VARIOUS CONTEXTS Telling the child WHEN they are permitted to do something: “Feel free to go to centers as soon as you complete the math assignment.” Telling the child the conditions under which YOU will do something: “I’ll be glad to turn on the computer as soon as you are seated.” Describing the choices the child has or how they are permitted to participate in an activity: “Feel free to sit or stand at the group table.” Say: Please look at your handout entitled enforceable statements. Here there is an example of using enforceable statements to let a child know when you permit them to do something, the conditions under which you will do something, how they are permitted to participate in an activity. (read the examples from the slide and review additional examples in the handout.) Say: Now, take a minute with your shoulder partner and discuss another example of when these statements would be useful and develop your own enforceable statement. (Ask them to report out) <click>
PBIS Play-by-Play: Low-level Behavior Correction Strategy: Show Respect and Redirect Purpose: A method to avoid a power struggle and give redirection in a way that will likely create a positive outcome. Click here for more information about Show Respect and Redirect Say: The next strategy is a low level behavior correction called “Show Respect, and Redirect.” This strategy works great with student who are attempting to pull teachers into a power struggle, but need to be on task. I want to emphasize that we must remember that we like children for this to work effectively. Please note: If we turn this into sarcasm, it will be highly ineffective and result in a damaged student-teacher relationship. It can be a funny training activity, but I cannot emphasize enough how you must be sincere when using this strategy. Say: Let’s look at first want to look at the “Show Respect” part. Above are a list of “One Liner” statements. When a student attempts to engage in a power struggle, we can simply go “brain dead”. What I mean by “brain dead” is that we are not going to get to deeply involved in what the child is saying, but we are going to become a broken record. Then, use one of the one liner statements. For an example: A student says, “This assignment is stupid,” the response might be, “Could be” or “Thank you for sharing.” <click>
PBIS Play-by-Play: Low-level Behavior Correction Let’s Practice Show Respect and Redirect Strategy “Why do we have to do this?” “This is a waste of time!” “I’m not gonna do this and you can’t make me!” Say: Let’s practice. I am going to through you some hooks, attempting to pull you into a power struggle and you are going to go brain dead and respond with a one liner… “Why do we have to do this again”… (participants one liner response) “This class is a waist of time”…(participants one liner response) “I’m not going to do this and you can’t make me”… (participants one liner response) “We did this last year”… (participants one liner response) Say: If we only use “one liners” we may never get out of this cycle and sarcasm moves in quickly. So, we need to follow up with a phrase that’s positive and redirection to task… Here are a few examples: “Nice try, and we are on page 22, thank you.” “That’s one way of thinking about it, and are we being respectful?” “Thank you for sharing, and what are we supposed to be doing?” <click>
Repeated Behavior Correction PBIS Play-by-Play: Repeated Behavior Correction Strategy: Analyzing Repeated Misbehaviors (solution focused thinking) Purpose: A method of analyzing repeated behavior errors to better identify effective strategies. Four Points: Awareness Ability Attention Purposeful or Habitual Say: The last strategy is to address repeated behavior errors. This strategy provides a way of analyzing behavior errors and identifying effective strategies. This strategy will look at four areas that could be effecting a students behavior: Awareness Ability Attention Purposeful/habitual. (Provide Handout) Say: Please look at the work sheet like the one shown here. As a repeated behavior, we want to follow the flow chart and ask these questions: Is the behavior a problem of awareness? Is the behavior a problem of ability? Is the purpose of the behavior to get attention? Does the behavior serve some other purpose for the student? Say: This flow chart will guide us to a series of interventions based on the analysis. When the intervention lines up with the students need, this will increase the opportunity for a positive behavior. <click>
NOTE: optional activity Think, Write-Pair, Write-Share NOTE: optional activity Think – about how you may use one or more of these strategies in your classroom. Write-Pair – write about how the strategies can positively impact your classroom. Discuss with your shoulder partner. Write-Share – As a team/group, discuss the benefits of the strategies and determine your level of commitment. Note: This is an optional activity Distribute needed materials Read each bulleted item on the slide and allow time to process each item <click>
Other Strategies… NOTE: optional slide PBIS Team can enter additional plays from the playbook decided upon in the PBIS team training. Note: This is an optional slide Read each bulleted item on the slide and allow time to process each item <click>
Time Out…I May Need More Support! Consider... Collaborating with a PBIS team member. Visiting the Office of Student Behavioral Support Services intranet page. Seeking out appropriate sessions in Eduphoria. Conversing with campus administration and support staff. Say: The goal of this professional learning session was to provide us with additional strategies we can take back to our classrooms tomorrow and begin implementing. Hopefully, you have been able to add an additional play to your classroom playbook or toolbox. If you want to further collaborate about this strategy or PBIS in general, feel free to use the following as resources. Read the bulleted items on the slide.