P.E.R.T. Presentation Prepared by Rita Effing, Accountability Coordinator Department of Accountability, Research, and Continuous Improvement The School District of Lee County P.E.R.T Administration
What is the P.E.R.T? 0 The Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (P.E.R.T.) is used to determine if a student is ready for college credit courses in math and reading. 0 The test is computer-adaptive and administered Online through McCann Associates College Success testing platform. 0 For certain students, the P.E.R.T. is a required State assessment. 2
Who Should Take the P.E.R.T.? 0 High school students required to take the P.E.R.T. in include: 0 Students currently in Grade 11 who scored a Level 2 or 3 on the Grade 10 FCAT 2.0 Reading test or scored a Level 2, 3, or 4 on the Algebra 1 End of Course exam as a Grade 10 student. 0 Grade 12 students who have not otherwise demonstrated college readiness. 0 This group includes students who are enrolled in a college readiness course based on P.E.R.T. scores from
Test Details What is tested on the P.E.R.T? 0 Students who are required to test based on reading scores, will take the Writing and Reading subtests of P.E.R.T. 0 Students who are required to test based on math scores, will take the Math subtest of P.E.R.T. How many questions are on the P.E.R.T.? 0 Each P.E.R.T. subtest has 30 questions (25 are operational questions and 5 are field test items). How long is the P.E.R.T? 0 P.E.R.T. is untimed and computer adaptive, but it takes approximately 30 minutes to complete each subtest. Can a student take all three subtests in one sitting? 0 A student is permitted to take all three subtests in one sitting, but this is not the recommended policy. 4
P.E.R.T. Scores What are the college-ready cut scores for P.E.R.T.? 0 The scaled score for each subtest ranges from A student is deemed college-ready if they achieve the following P.E.R.T. cut scores: Math = 113 Reading* = 104 Writing* = 99 *Students must meet both the Reading and Writing cut scores in order to be college- ready in English. What if a student does not achieve a college-ready cut score? 0 11 th Grade P.E.R.T. test takers: must be enrolled in a college-ready course during their senior year th Grade P.E.R.T. test takers (due to enrollment in a college-ready course): will need to take remedial courses in college. 5