Exploring Daily Check-In Meetings


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Presentation transcript:

Exploring Daily Check-In Meetings Note: This is an optional module. This session is done after a school has already received initial professional development on Class Meetings and has started holding Class Meeting. The intent of this session is to deepen understanding of Check-in Meetings, including brainstorming meeting topics. Materials Have teachers bring the check-in meeting card from week 3 of their Class Meetings At least 6 sheets of chart paper Markers Time Needed: 30 minutes _______________________________________________________________________________ SLIDE: Cover 1 minute Explain that today’s session will focus on daily Check-in Meetings, a core component of the Caring School Community program.

Session Purpose Review and deepen understanding of daily check-in meetings Brainstorm topics for meetings SLIDE: Purpose of Daily Check-ins 1 minute Remind them that Daily Check-in meetings are a big part of creating a caring community. Review the session purposes.

Review Check-In Class Meetings What do you notice about the structure of these meetings? Which of these check-in topics are you most interested in trying? SLIDE: Check-In Class Meeting Card 10 minutes Have the participants take out the “Model Daily Check-In” or “End-of-Day Check-in” (depending on grade) meeting card. Point out that there is a list of possible topics on it. Ask teachers to review the Check-in Meeting structure and topics listed on the front and be ready to discuss the following two questions with a partner (read questions on slide). Scan room and have teachers turn to a partner to discuss once they have read the card. Have 2-3 teachers share out.

Developing Check-in Questions What makes for a good check-in meeting question? What do you notice about the ones listed on the card? How can we keep Check-In Meetings short? SLIDE: Check-in Meeting Questions 5 minutes Ask each question and discuss as a whole group.

Brainstorming Check-in Topics Reflecting on Behavior and/or Social Skills Reflecting on Learning Learning about each other/ Making Connections Reflecting on the Day Reinforcing CSC values Following up on topics discussed in previous meetings SLIDE: Brainstorming Other Check-in Topics 10 minutes Explain that check-ins can serve many purposes. Most important is having an open-ended question for authentic student conversation. Explain that they will brainstorm other questions and that these will be shared with the whole staff. Use the first topic to do one together as a model. Have group quickly brainstorm questions and chart them. Have teachers count off by 5 and assign each group to one of these topics. Give each group chart paper and markers to quickly brainstorm questions they could ask in a check-in meeting. Bring groups back together after 5-8 minutes to share their lists.

Next Steps Distribute Check-in Class Meeting suggestions Will revisit which ones people have tried between this meeting at the next and which have been particularly successful. SLIDE: Next Steps 2 minutes Let teachers know the next steps around Daily Check-in Meetings, such as the suggestions on this slide.