An Affluent Society
I. An Economy of Abundance 1958, John Kenneth Gailbraith wrote “The Affluent Society” claiming that America’s postwar prosperity was a new phenomenon Argued the US was experiencing a new type of economy – an “economy of abundance” 40% of Americans went up to 60% of Americans owning homes
II. Technological and Scientific Progress US factories and industries began using automation – allowing goods to be produces more efficiently and quickly Use of computers revolutionized US industry Dr. Jonas Salk developed the polio vaccine
III. Cities to Suburbs Automobiles allowed people to live further from work – leading to the growth of suburbs City problems Those left behind were the poor and minorities City services suffered from lack of tax revenue
IV. The Family and Television Baby Boomers – people born between 1945 and 1961; birth of 65 million children Parents wanted to give their children all the things they had been denied during the depression. Children received an increasing amount of material goods and emphasized the benefits of “the good life.” Television was the symbol of prosperity Played a role in political campaigns, ushered in era of mass marketing, and brought people closer through a shared form of entertainment Television shows celebrated family life: Father knows Best, Leave it to Beaver, and Ozzie and Harriet
V. Signs of Change 1955, Blackboard Jungle movie Demonstrated juvenile delinquency Introduced Rock and Roll – Bill Haley “Rock Around the Clock.”
The Beat Generation Group of people who went against conformity and materialism “Howl” by Allen Ginsburg “On the Road” by Jack Kerouac Beatniks – The Dobi Gillis Show Precursor to the Hippies of the 1960’s