Private Label Food and Drink UK March 2012
Market Size and Forecast Total retail market value of Private Label Food and Drink, 2006-16 Source: Mintel/based on SymphonyIRI Group InfoScan
Market Share Top 5 food retailers’ market shares of total food retailers’ sales, 2011 Source: Ipsos MORI/Company report and accounts/Office for National Statistics/Mintel (Food Retailing – UK, November 2011)
Who’s Innovating? Share of product launches carrying a premium claim of retailers’ total food, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks product launches, by retailer 2011 Source: Mintel GNPD
Who’s Innovating? New product launches in the food and non-alcoholic beverages markets, branded vs private label, 2007-11 Source: Mintel GNPD
Usage of Branded and Private Label Food and Non-alcoholic Drink Purchasing of private label and branded food and non-alcoholic drink, December 2011 Source: Mintel/based on SymphonyIRI Group InfoScan Base: 1,460 internet users aged 18+
Private Label Performance - Food and Non-alcoholic Drink Share of private label sales by selected category, 2011 (highest and lowest shares) Source: Mintel
Usage of Branded and Private Label Alcoholic Drink Purchasing of private label and branded alcoholic drink, December 2011 Source: Mintel/based on SymphonyIRI Group InfoScan Base: 1,460 internet users aged 18+
Private Label Performance - Alcoholic Drink Share of private label sales by category, 2011 Source: Mintel
Consumer – Private labels and shopping habits Changes to consumers’ grocery shopping habits within the last year, percentage point change December 2011 vs January 2011 Source: Toluna/Mintel Base: 1,500 internet users aged 16+
Consumer – Private labels and shopping habits Changes to consumers’ grocery shopping habits within the last year, percentage point change December 2011 vs January 2011 Source: Toluna/Mintel Base: 1,500 internet users aged 16+
Consumer – Expected changes in grocery habits in 2012 Expected changes in purchase patterns of branded and private label food and drink in the next 12 months, December 2011 ”Now thinking generally about the food and drink you buy, how, if at all, do you expect your shopping behaviour patterns to change in the next 12 months, with regard to own-label and branded products?” Source: Toluna/Mintel Base: 1,460 internet users aged 18+
Consumer – Attitudes towards private label food and non-alcoholic drink Attitudes towards private label food and non-alcoholic drink, December 2011 ” Thinking specifically about own-label food and non-alcoholic drink and branded options, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?” Source: Toluna/Mintel Base: 1,460 internet users aged 18+
Consumer – Attitudes towards private label food and non-alcoholic drink Attitudes towards the cost of private label food and non-alcoholic drink, December 2011 ” Thinking specifically about own-label food and non-alcoholic drink and branded options, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?” Source: Toluna/Mintel Base: 1,460 internet users aged 18+
Consumer – Attitudes towards private label food and non-alcoholic drink Attitudes towards venture brands, December 2011 ” Thinking specifically about own-label food and non-alcoholic drink and branded options, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?” Source: Toluna/Mintel Base: 1,460 internet users aged 18+
Consumer – Attitudes towards private label alcoholic drink Attitudes towards cost of private label alcoholic drink, December 2011 ” Now thinking specifically about own-label alcoholic drinks (i.e. products carrying the retailers’ name) and branded options, which of the following statements do you agree with?” Source: Toluna/Mintel Base: 1,269 internet users aged 18+ who use alcoholic drinks
Consumer – Attitudes towards private label alcoholic drink Attitudes towards quality and image of own-label alcoholic drink, December 2011 ” Now thinking specifically about own-label alcoholic drinks (i.e. products carrying the retailers’ name) and branded options, which of the following statements do you agree with?” Source: Toluna/Mintel Base: 1,269 internet users aged 18+ who use alcoholic drinks
Consumer – Attitudes towards private label alcoholic drink Attitudes relating to points of difference for private label alcoholic drink, December 2011 ” Now thinking specifically about own-label alcoholic drinks (i.e. products carrying the retailers’ name) and branded options, which of the following statements do you agree with?” Source: Toluna/Mintel Base: 1,269 internet users aged 18+ who use alcoholic drinks
Consumer – Image of branded and private label products Percentage association of attributes for branded and private label food and drink products, December 2011 “From the list below, please select all words that describe your image of premium/standard/value own-label/branded products.” Source: Toluna/Mintel Base: 1,460 internet users aged 18+
Senior Food and Drink Analyst Chris Wisson Senior Food and Drink Analyst +44 (0)20 3416 4512