Propulsion QDR Scott Bird Mike Downes Kelby Haase Grant Hile Cyrus Sigari Sarah Umberger Jen Watson October 23, 2003 Propulsion QDR
Preview Choice of Engine Redesigning of Propeller Manufactured Choice Cruise Conditions October 23, 2003 Propulsion QDR
Preliminary Choice for Engine BME-50 Power = 5.0 hp RPM: 1200-9800 Weight = 3.25 lbs. October 23, 2003 Propulsion QDR
Propeller Sizing – Sizing for Take-Off Take-Off Velocity CLTO C October 23, 2003 Propulsion QDR
Propeller Sizing – Sizing for Take-Off Lift and Drag @ .7*VTO Thrust at Take-Off (Brandt et al p. 176) C October 23, 2003 Propulsion QDR
Propeller Sizing – Sizing for Take-Off Used modified gold.m code Varied Pitch and Propeller Diameter Max RPM = 9800 Velocity Ranged from 5 ft/s to 55 ft/s in 10 ft/s intervals October 23, 2003 Propulsion QDR
Propeller Sizing – Efficiency vs. Power October 23, 2003 Propulsion QDR
Propeller Sizing – Sizing for Take-Off With D=18 in., P=6 in. and VTO = 37.72 ft/s Efficiency = 40 % C October 23, 2003 Propulsion QDR
Propeller Sizing – Manufactured Choice Menz "Standard" 2-Blade Wood Props 18X6 Propeller $16.00 October 23, 2003 Propulsion QDR
Propeller Sizing – Cruise Conditions Used second modification of gold.m code Held Pitch constant at 6 inches and Diameter constant at 18 inches Assume Velocity = 50 ft/s Varied RPM October 23, 2003 Propulsion QDR
Cruise Conditions Prop=18X6 Max Efficiency at approx. 4200 RPM J = .475/rev CT = .0155 CP = .01 Efficiency = 75% October 23, 2003 Propulsion QDR
Questions? Questions?? October 23, 2003 Propulsion QDR