Mobilizing the Nation for War Close Reading
Circle words you do not know or understand in the context of the article. Define the 5 words you think are the most important in order to help understand the article. (do this on p. 12 of your ISN) Underline phrases that appear in quotes. Highlight the name of agencies, acts created by the government, or court cases that impacted the U.S. war effort. Bracket the definition/description of the agencies, acts or court cases. Write down the agencies or acts and their definitions (do this on p. 12 of your ISN) Create the cover of a magazine that illustrates the ways America mobilized for entry into WWI. (do this on p. 11 of your ISN) Write a 1 paragraph summary at the bottom of p. 11 explaining how and why the U.S. need to prepare for entry in to WWI.