Items you should have picked up: Personal info. Sheet-will turn this in at end of meeting Order form (New Member- YELLOW, Returning Members should have theirs) Packet with merits, summer dance hours, football schedule-Bring home!! Important Dates Contact Information Sheet ***I suggest you have a personal file, binder, or folder at home to keep all Tiger Belle paperwork for reference***
Booster Club Board BOARD WILL BE VOTED ON AT THE NEXT BOOSTER CLUB MEETING BOOSTER CLUB INFORMATION The Booster Club is a separate legal entity from KISD. It is a non-profit, IRS-registered organization. Only officers of the Booster Club are authorized to conduct official club business. For any questions/comments/feedback/proposals, please send an email to A Board Member will respond, typically on the same day. All official Booster Club email communications will be sent from this email address. The Booster Club Facebook group is KCTBBC Members. Event announcements and updates can be found here. Online payments can be made at:
Fees/Orders Order form $400 1. Total due will be found in charms within the next few weeks (will include your payment made today) 3. For field/band days you must wear your black leggings or black and white Nike shorts 4. Can purchase make-up through Lizzie Cook today (if not come take a pic of colors to match) 5. Must purchase your own all black camisole/racerback bra for practices Assessment Fee #1 New= $270, Returning=$240 Line Camp Fee $400 *Items are grouped by who you will make payment to. Please make sure to total out your items in the correct boxes and do NOT combine checks!* PLEASE LOOK AT BOTTOM OF ORDER FORM FOR YOUR TOTALS! DON’T FORGET OPTIONAL ITEMS! Bows by Deborah- New Belle parents you MUST meet with Deborah to purchase your team bow with her tonight! They are $12.00 Mary-Kay Make-Up (Lizzie Cook)- Not required for team make-up but ½ profits go back to team. Team lipstick is being purchased for you! Houston Embroidery- Additional/Optional Parent Spirit Wear!
New Member Order Form
Returning Member Order Form
Yard Sign/Car Decal (OPTIONAL ITEM)
Dance Summer Hours 10 HOURS MINIMUM, after 10 you will receive merits for each additional hour. Ballet hours will receive TWO MERITS! Technique class sign-up sheets at front of room Form on Belle website if you lose yours If you do not complete your hours you will receive a non-permanent demerit for every hour you missed JULY TECHNIQUE DATES OFFERED ARE ON SCHEDULE You may attend a summer dance camp or workshop for hours **TDEA WORKSHOP-??????** Klein Oak Company Classes-Info out soon Eligible classes: Ballet, Jazz, Lyrical/Contemporary, Turns and Leaps, Stretch and Strengthen, Drill Team Prep Master Class Dance Company- June 20th, June 22nd, July 27th 9am-3pm- REGISTER AT WWW.MASTERCLASSDANCECO.COM $50 PRE-REGISTER, $60 AT THE DOOR
Merit/Demerit System Merit System handout is your friend 3 MERITS CANCEL 1 DEMERIT- DEMERITS START NOW! AFTER 3 WEEKS YOUR DEMERIT CANNOT BE ERASED!!! Merit System handout is your friend Only on the first day of Belle camp can you bring in items to receive merits for them (tissues, girl products, band aids, etc.) Only non-permanent demerits can be cancelled out by merits Consistently given merits- Earned every week by not getting calisthenics or other demerits Miscellaneous merits may be given out for things throughout the year when opportunity presents itself
Physical Forms MUST BE ON KISD PHYSICAL FORM AND COMPLETE ALL ONLINE INFO Some computers will have online physical form for you to fill out-please do this before you leave! Physicals are due to ME by the next parent meeting (May 22nd). If you do not have a physical turned into me by May 22nd then your child will not be participating at camp and will be removed from the first 2 football games
Info sent out through out the year @1819TB Remind App
Important Dates May 22nd- MANDATORY New Team Practice/Parent Meeting @ 6:30pm (physicals due)- Choir student excused, names taken at practice June 28th- MANDATORY line camp practice at KCHS 3-5 June 28th- Parent Meeting 6-7pm to parent requirements of Belles June 29th-July 1st- Line camp at Hilton Houston Hotel You will not be able to dance at Line Camp until you have all of the required paperwork we have handed out August 3, 6-8th (8-4pm), 10th 4pm-8pm Belle Camp at KCHS **New Belles/Seniors come at 2pm on the 10th** August- Team Picnic location/date announced at next meeting August 20th- Practice 3:15-5:15; starts first day of school Football Buddy Social- 4:30-6:00pm after practice August 30th- First Game!
**Charms instructions next to computer** Computers Charms- You MUST add your email address and all additional information areas **Charms instructions next to computer** New Parents- go to computers first to add information **This is how we communicate with you every week on all updates and aspects of Tiger Belles** PHYSICAL AGREEMENTS- You MUST fill out the online physical forms before you leave today
Do NOT leave until you have: Paid Booster Club fee to Tiger Belles Booster Club Paid camp fee to KCHS Signed up for July technique classes Take pic of make-up colors or order through Lizzie New Members-Purchase Team Bow Turned in: Personal information form & Order Form ADDED INFORMATION IN CHARMS AND COMPLETED ONLINE PHYSICAL ***CHECK THE TOTALS AT THE BOTTOM OF YOUR ORDER FORM FOR HOW MUCH YOU OWE IN TOTAL!*** RETURNING PARENTS- Pay FIRST computer after NEW PARENTS- Computer FIRST, pay after