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Presentation transcript:

To begin the narration, switch to Slide View and wiggle the mouse over the text on the slide. Please see the accompanying documentation for information about authoring scripts and the command syntax. A short summary is included in the next Notes page. You can put any text that you want right here as long as it is above the demarcation line below (you might want to think of it as the magic marker). ^*#{}#*^ SHOW james, james.acs, 83, 80 SAY Hello! SLIDE 2=SAY Why don’t we go to the next slide?

Jesus Walked on the Water To begin the narration, switch to Slide View and wiggle the mouse over the text on the slide. ^*#{}#*^ SHOW james, james.acs, 41,50 SAY Hello. Welcome to Sunday School! Thanks for joining us today. PLAY Greet SAY I am \emp\ James, your computer teacher for this morning. PLAY Explain SLIDE 3=SAY Today we’ll study another one of the miracles that Jesus did when he was on the earth, 2000 years ago. NOTE: This is the version of the Presentation Narrator written specifically for Microsoft PowerPoint 97.

^*#{}#*^ MOVE 60,30 SAY Remember the Sea of Galilee? PLAY GestureRight SLIDE 4 = SAY Here it is again, in a modern-day picture. It was on the water of this sea that Jesus walked.

^*#{}#*^ MOVE 0,20 PLAY LookLeftBlink SAY Here is a map of the Sea of Galilee. Last week, we studied the time Jesus fed five thousand people with five small barley loaves and two small fish. NEXT PLAY GestureLeft SAY The red dot shows where we think this happened. PLAY Think SAY If you remember, the crowd wanted to make Jesus their \emp\ king, after they had been fed. PLAY Explain SAY Jesus sent them away, and told the disciples to get in their boat and go to the other side of the Sea of Galilee, while he went up on the mountain to pray alone. SAY Here is the route the disciples would have taken back to the plain of Genessaret. It was about a five mile journey. SLIDE 5 = SAY But as we will find out today, they didn’t have a very good trip.

^*#{}#*^ MOVE 10,60 PLAY LookUpLeftBlink SLIDE 6 = SAY Several of the disciples were fisherman, and their boat was much like this one in use by today’s fishermen on the Sea of Galilee.

^*#{}#*^ MOVE 75,40 PLAY Explain SLIDE 7 = SAY In this picture, you can see modern fishermen mending their nets on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. They used nets much like this in Jesus’ time.

^*#{}#*^ MOVE 0,50 PLAY LookLeft SLIDE 8 = SAY Although the boats were small, they could carry many people.

^*#{}#*^ MOVE 60,50 PLAY GestureUp SAY But only three or four men would use the boat while actually fishing. Working fishermen need space to do their job and to store their catch of fish PLAY Explain SAY It was a boat much like this one that the disciples took across the Sea of Galilee. SAY The events we study today are recorded in the Bible in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 14, verses 22 through 33. PLAY Read SAY And now, we begin today’s study. SLIDE 9 = PLAY ReadReturn

^*#{}#*^ MOVE 20,20 PLAY LookDownLeft SAY The disciples pushed their boat from the shore and sailed out onto the sea. Jesus was not with them. PLAY GestureLeft SAY The sun had set and the disciples rowed in darkness. They heard the splash of waves against the hull and smelled the fishy smell of the sea. PLAY DoMagic1 SAY As they moved farther and farther from the shore, the whispering breeze became a screaming wind. The wind tore at the boat from all directions. NEXT WAIT 9 SAY The sails were useless, so the disciples began to row. SAY They pushed hard against the pounding waves. PLAY Confused SAY Where was the shore? SLIDE 10 = SAY It was much too far away.

^*#{}#*^ MOVE 65,40 PLAY Explain SAY In the deepest part of the night, before the sun had risen, the disciples looked up from their labor. PLAY Search SLIDE 11 = SAY Something far away but coming \emp\ toward them moved across the waters.

^*#{}#*^ MOVE 70,65 PLAY Confused SAY In terror, the disciples called out: It’s a \emp\ ghost! What else could walk on water? PLAY Pleased SAY Then a comforting, familiar voice spoke above the screaming wind.. SLIDE 12 = SAY Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.

^*#{}#*^ MOVE 50,20 PLAY Explain SAY Peter spoke to Jesus: Lord, if it is you, tell me to come to you on the water. PLAY GestureRight SLIDE 13 = SAY Come, invited Jesus.

^*#{}#*^ MOVE 0,60 PLAY LookLeft SAY Peter climbed out of the boat. He placed one foot and then another onto the water. And there he stood, looking at Jesus. PLAY GestureLeft SAY Peter took one step and then another step toward Jesus. PLAY Surprised SLIDE 14 = SAY Peter was walking on the water!

^*#{}#*^ MOVE 60,40 PLAY Sad SAY Then Peter looked away from Jesus. His hair must have swept across his face, and the waves must have drenched his clothes. SAY In his panic, Peter began to sink. PLAY Explain SAY Lord, save me! He cried out in fear. PLAY Alert SAY Immediately Jesus caught Peter. You of little faith, Jesus said. SAY Why did you doubt? SAY When Peter cried for help, his Savior was there to help him. SLIDE 15 = PLAY Blink

^*#{}#*^ MOVE 15,40 PLAY Explain SAY Jesus and Peter climbed into the boat, and the storm died away. PLAY Greet SAY The disciples worshiped Jesus. Truly, you are the Son of God! They said. MOVE 5,20 SAY That’s the way the Bible describes Jesus’ miracle of Walking on the Water. SAY Remember, Jesus is with you always and knows exactly what you need. You can ask for his help any time you are afraid, and you can know that Jesus will help you--just as he helped Peter. PLAY RestPose SAY Thanks for studying this miracle with me! PLAY Wave SAY See you soon! PLAY Hide END