4.3 Striving for Equality
America Comes of Age (1890-1920) Lesson 3 Striving for Equality Learning Objectives Analyze Progressives' attitudes toward minority rights. Describe the political organizations formed by African Americans to promote civil rights. Examine the actions taken by other minority groups to expand their rights. Key Terms Americanization Booker T. Washington W.E.B. Du Bois Niagara Movement, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Urban League. Anti-Defamation League mutualistas, American Indian Citizenship Act of 1924
Minorities face challenges Progressive Movement Failure Did not benefit minorities and immigrant Americans Americanization Movement Change how immigrants lived Taught English, American Government, how to dress “American”, replace traditions Moral Flaws
Plessy v. Ferguson Booker T. Washington W.E.B Du Bois Supreme Court upheld Jim Crow Laws Legalized Segregation Booker T. Washington Achieve economic independence before racial equality Slow gradual racial progress Hard work & patience W.E.B Du Bois African Americans must fight/demand for racial & social change Encouraged African Americans to earn higher education NAACP – National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Political movement to help African Americans achieve racial equality Challenge unfair laws