Please answer these questions in your notebook: Happy Friday! 9/22/17 Objective: Identify the cellular organelles associated with major cell processes. Please answer these questions in your notebook: 1.) What is the function of the Golgi apparatus? 2.) What is the function of lysosomes? 3.) What cell organelles are responsible for making proteins? Homework: 1.) “Cell Organelle Flip Book” due Monday, 9/25 2.) Study cell organelles for practice FRQ and discussion on Monday, 9/25 Today: 1.) Turn in Chapter 4, Section 3 & 4 Outline 2.) Turn in “Cell Organelle Webquest” 3.) Begin working on “Cell Organelle Flip Book”
Schedule changes 1.) Cell Organelle quiz now on Wednesday, 9/27 & Thursday, 9/28 After quiz, we will have a class discussion about an article that I will provide to you next week 2.) Practice FRQ(s) in class on Monday, 9/25 I will provide you with 1-2 questions about cell organelles to which you will respond; we will review as a class 3.) Review on Tuesday, 9/26 for Cell Organelle quiz 4.) We will start Chapter 5 AFTER Fall Break Chapter 5 Outline will be due Tuesday, 10/10 1st Day of Fall!
Word of the day Taciturn (adj.) Inclined to silence; reserved in speech; reluctant to join in conversation “My shy brother is taciturn and rarely speaks in public.”
Cell Organelle flip book instructions FIRST, take a minute to silently read over the handout I have provided After we review instructions together, you may get seven sheets of blank, white paper. Fold them inside of each other and staple them together. Front of book = page 1
Each page for an organelle includes the front and the back This is an example of the front page for the nucleus. This and the back page are both considered PAGE 2 On each organelle’s front page, include: 1.) The name of the organelle and 2.) A hand-drawn picture of the organelle
On the BACK of each organelle’s page, answer these four questions: 1 On the BACK of each organelle’s page, answer these four questions: 1.) What is the organelle’s structure (i.e., what does it look like, what molecules is it made of), 2.) What is the organelle’s function? 3.) How is its structure related to its function? 4.) Where is it found? For “Where is it found?” tell me if it is in a PROKARYOTE or a EUKARYOTE If it is in EUKARYOTES, is it in a PLANT CELL, ANIMAL CELL, OR BOTH?
On the very BACK of the booklet, compare and contrast prokaryotes and eukaryotes
Also… Questions before you start? 1.) You may use your textbook (look beyond Chapter 4…use the index to find where else in the book the organelle may be discussed) and your cell organelle chart for reference 2.) If you want to find a good picture of an organelle, you may use your phone to find an image (or, again, look elsewhere in your textbook) 3.) You might have to think a bit about how an organelle’s structure is related to function. Don’t just automatically Google this. THINK about it. Talk it over with a friend. Be specific and give me details. Show evidence for your reasoning. 4.) Phones are for SCHOLARLY work. Not texting or social media. This is a time for you to create another valuable study tool for organelles. Questions before you start?
Exit ticket Please answer these questions on your provided notecard: 1.) What are the three structures that plant cells have that animal cells do not? 2.) What is the function of the Rough ER? 3.) Thinking back to our Cell Organelle activities (so far), which was the most beneficial for you? 4.) On a scale of 1-3 (1 = not at all comfortable, 2 = pretty comfortable, 3 = super-duper comfortable), how do you feel about cell organelles?