Jefferson Lab Users Group Meeting John Arrington Argonne National Laboratory Users Group Chair JLab Users Group Meeting, June 1-3, 2015
Users Group Board of Directors (UGBoD) Board changes to occur in June: Haiyan Gao becomes Chair Dipangkar Dutta Volker Crede Steffen Strauch Nadia Fomin Jose Goity Misak Sargsian add Larry Weinstein: chair elect (chair in summer 2016) add Krishna Kumar: vice chair (chair in summer 2017) Nominating committee: G. Dodge (chair), M. Dalton, K. Hafidi, I. Niculescu, P. Solvignon, W. Melnitchouk
Program Notes Talks are being livecast on the web; links to the video feed are on the main meeting/program page: Lunch times coordinates with HUGS (for student lunch seminars), so we’ll need to keep on schedule Late program change: Monday, June 1, 5pm: Arne Freyberger – Accelerator Status Users Group Board meets Tuesday and Wednesday evenings; be sure to bring up questions, issues, suggestions to board members
Users Group Meeting Organizing Committee Dipangkar Dutta (Chair) Lorelei Chopard John Arrington Jose Goity Garth Huber Elena Long Silvia Niccolai Elton Smith Melissa Cummings – poster, student lunch talks Jefferson Science Associates – Provides funding for meeting, poster prizes, Thesis/Postdoc/ONP awards, etc… through JSA Initiative Fund