Data Warehouse What is a Data Warehouse? MAISA Definition Michigan Association of Intermediate School Administrators (supported by MSBO-Michigan School Business Officials) – A collection of various sets of data – Allow districts to ask complex questions and find answers – In short – Inquiry Based Decision Making
Where do we start? The tool: Data Director o state assessments o common district assessments o classroom assessments o student demographic data The key: Professional Development o Consistent o Frequent o Focused on analyzing data through inquiry
Why Do We Need A Local Data Warehouse? Supported by Federal grants – your school has one! Teachers want to analyze student achievement and performance data. School improvement plans require Data mining! Data warehousing tools make life easier!
Data Analysis Requires Inquiry All data mining efforts must be based on inquiry – asking the right questions, and then asking more questions of the answers in order to make informed decisions. "The New Stupid." Educational Leadership Dec/Jan (2009) The essential-questions approach provides the fuel that drives collaborative analysis. Answering the Questions that Count." Educational Leadership Dec/Jan (2009)
Data for Student Success Accomplishments Ten Professional Development modules created; four more on the way Inquiry tool created (MEAP, MME, Mi-Access) Reporting tool created (CNA, PA 25, AER) 57 ISDs trained in how to use the Data 4SS resources Provide funds to ALL ISDs to help begin the professional development support
Example of how Data Director and D4SS resources complement each other ToolStateDistrictBuildingClassroomStudent Data4SS MEAP ProficiencyXXXX Data4SS Comparative Item AnalysisXXXX Data 4SS Students Near ProficiencyXXXX Data4SS Cohort ProficiencyXXXX Data4SS Student HistoryX Data Director MEAP ReportsXXXX Data Director MEAP/MME Percent ProficiencyXXXX Data Director MEAP Pivot TableXXXX Data Director MEAP/MME Percent Proficiency Trend AnalysisXXXX Data Director Exam and Assessment ReportsXXXX Data Director MEAP Strand and GLCE AnalysisXXXX Data Director DIBELS ReportXXXX Data Director Student Profile
Data and Inquiry Tools at a Glance Data for Student Success Inquiry Tool Historical data: State, District, School and student level Inquiry tools: MEAP MEAP Cohort Comparison MEAP Strand, GLCE, Item Analysis MEAP Students Near Proficiency Student History MME MME Standard Analysis MME Students Near Proficiency Mi-ACCESS Data Director Warehouse Tool Current data: Consortium, district, school, grade, teacher and student level Inquiry tools: MEAP Cohort Comparison for MEAP, grades, test series MEAP Strand, GLCE Analysis, Item Analysis MEAP and MME Percent Proficient Student Profile DIBELS Local Assessments Administer exams (bubble sheets and online)
How can you use each resource? View a single years MEAP/MME data Data4SS MEAP Proficiency Inquiry Data Director MEAP Report Compare scores of two years of MEAP data Data4SS MEAP Proficiency Inquiry Data4SS Cohort Proficiency Inquiry Data Director MEAP Cohort Report Data Director Multi Year MEAP Performance Summary Look at the performance of AYP subgroups on MEAP/MME Data4SS MEAP Proficiency Inquiry Data Director Percent Proficient Report View MEAP/MME trend data over a number of years Data4SS MEAP/MME Proficiency Inquiry Data Director Percent Proficiency Trend Analysis See the specific areas of strength and weakness in student performance? Data4SS Comparative Item Analysis Inquiry Data Director MEAP Strand and GLCE Analysis Data Director Common Local Assessment Reports Data Director End of Course Exams Find out which students are close to proficiency? Data4SS Students Near Proficiency Inquiry Find out more information about my students? Data4SS Student History Inquiry Data Director Student Profile Report
The BIG difference between Data4SS and Data Director Data 4 SS Shows historical data for all student who took the MEAP, MME, or MI-Access assessments. Data used to inform AYP. Inquiries are identical to OEAA reports. Data Director Shows data for currently rostered students only. Should not be used for AYP purposes.
RDI Grant Brings Data Tools to Michigan Teachers The Regional Data Initiative provides funding for data warehousing initiatives in 98% of the schools in Michigan. Data warehousing tools, professional development, and research projects using data to inform instruction are all a part of this grant.
Benefits of Using Data Director Do you want to correct quizzes and tests for all of your classes in less time and take less work home with you? Do you want to link your test and quiz questions to content-area standards? Do you want to learn what type of test and quiz questions are giving your students the most difficulty?
Do you want a diagnostic tool that will help you to more effectively plan your instructional program? Do you want to create reports that effectively communicate student progress to students, parents and other stakeholders? Do you want to organize your students into cohort or other subgroups to effectively monitor their progress?
Do you want to learn about an effective model of classroom organization that may work for you? Do you want to access standardized test and demographic information about your students that will help you to plan differentiated or remedial instruction? Do you want to create longitudinal studies of student performance that you can use every year to plan your instructional program ? Do you want opportunities for professional collaboration with colleagues?
Goal: Provide teachers with the tools and support to use Data to inform instruction
Lets take a look at some examples
Data Analysis – MEAP Report Who are my 4s in ELA 4 th Grade?
Data Analysis – Bubble Reports Who is on the bubble in 4 th Grade Math?
Data Analysis – GLCE/Strand Analysis How did my 8 th grade students do on each Math GLCE?
Data Analysis – Classroom Test Scores Overall, how did my students do on the Quarterly Math test?
Data Analysis – Test Items
Data Analysis - MME What percent of my 11 th grade students were below proficiency in ELA? Looking at 3 years of performance, are our students doing better?
Data Analysis: MLPP Scores Which students are High Need in each area of MLPP?
Data Analysis: DIBELS
Data Reference Points For the Michigan School Data Profile Versions Available to date: Data Director Pearson IGOR/Pinnacle Others coming soon! A manual for using D4SS or your local data warehouse for data inquiry to complete the Michigan School Data Profile. This is a FREE download.