11.3 Towns Cornell Notes Daily Quiz The Big Chill-Article summary (ask for article) What is The Big Chill? Video Black Death: Notes Class Notes x4
Ch. 11.3 Notes Factors that led the decline in Feudalism: Serfs could escape to towns. Serfs could earn money by selling crops to townspeople. Changing agricultural methods left serfs without work. The Black death killed many people in Europe so workers came into high demand.
Rights of Townspeople Townspeople needed freedom to trade. They needed their own unique laws and were willing to pay for them. Lords and vassals saw they could make money. Buy and sell property. Freedom from military service to the lord. Law that Guaranteed freedom of townspeople from the lords. Serfs became a free person. Basic liberties. And the right to govern themselves. City councils, courts, judges.
Problems of the Cities Elections were rigged for patricians. Water pollution: butchers and tanners were dumping into the waterways. Public Baths shut down. Paris had 32 public baths closed due to the Black death. Guilds controlled economic life in the cities.
Innovations The rise of towns and the middle class leads to advances in all areas. As trade increased, the importance of towns and guilds grows. A money economy replaces bartering. Universities are founded. Literature and poetry flourish and are increasingly written in the vernacular rather than Latin. The Romanesque style of architecture gives way to Gothic style.
Video Black Death Notes on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qsuE9lTBOg