Management Group on Statistical Cooperation 20-21 March 2014, Luxembourg Overview of light peer reviews and adapted global assessments in enlargement and ENP countries (Doc. MGSC/2014/09 )
LPRs and AGAs - Introduction LPRs conducted in 2010-2013 in CCs LPR in Palestine in 2012 Based on ESS peer review Assessing compliance: Principles 1-6 and 15 of CoP AGAs carried out in PCCs and in ENP East countries Based on traditional global reviews Sectoral reviews (SR) starting in 2014
Summary list of assessments (1): Enlargement countries Albania AGA-2010, LPR-2013 Bosnia and Herzegovina AGA-2011 Croatia LPR-2010 FYROM LPR-2010 SR NA-2014 Kosovo1) AGA-2011 Montenegro AGA-2010, LPR-2012 Serbia LPR-2011 Turkey LPR-2012 1)This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.
Summary list of assessments (2) ENP-East countries Armenia AGA-2009 LPR-2014 Azerbaijan AGA-2010 Belarus AGA-2012/2013 Georgia AGA-2012 Moldova AGA-2012 Ukraine AGA-2011
Summary list of assessments (3) ENP-South countries Tunisia AGA-2014 Palestine LPR-2012 Egypt SR LFS-2014 Libya AGA-2014
Availability of reports AGAs and LPRs of enlargement countries on the CircaBC site: AGAs and LPR for ENP countries on Eurostat website:
Follow-up on recommendations In 2012 Eurostat asked all enlargement countries to review their progress on carrying out the recommended improvement actions The exercise has also been started for the ENP-East and Central Asia countries The follow-up questionnaire is being improved Plans to carry out in-depth sectoral assessments in selected priority areas
State of play – enlargement Some positive progress is visible in the majority of areas Most countries are in the process of ensuring the professional independence of their NSI Generally insufficient human and financial resources Most support needed: AL – admin data sources, dissemination policy BA – dissemination policy XK – severe lack of resources
State of play – ENP countries Two main areas of improvement highlighted: Institutional capacity, esp. ensuring professional independence Development of sample surveys to reduce cost and burden Armenia – TAIEX assistance and Twinning to help with recommendations Azerbaijan – official action plan on 53 activities Ukraine, Palestine – recommendations included in strategy documents Belarus, Moldova and Georgia – AGAs concluded recently
Progress monitoring Enlargement countries ENP countries LPR - annual monitoring exercise AGA Part corresponding to LPR: see above Statistical themes and domains: SMIS+ ENP countries Annual monitoring is being set up Follow-up seminar 'Global assessments and peer reviews – follow-up and next steps' seminar was held on 25-27 June 2013
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