En Español I 3-1 Notes Estar with adjectives, Ser vs. Estar, Acabar de, Venir, Gustar with verbs
Estar with adjectives In this chapter, you will use estar with feeling words. Remember that adjectives must agree in number and gender with the noun they describe. Ex. Diana está preocupada por Ignacio. Ex. Ignacio está preocupado por Roberto.
Ser vs. Estar: To be or to be????? Ser and Estar both mean “to be,” but they are used in very specific situations. The key to learning when to use each verb is in using the two acronyms “PLACE” and “DOCTOR” Ser – “DOCTOR” Estar – “PLACE”
Ser vs. Estar: To be or to be????? Ser – “DOCTOR” stands for – D – descriptions Yo soy alto. O – origins Ella es de Cuba. C – characteristics Ellos son cómicos. T – time Son las dos y media. O – occupation Yo soy maestro. R – relationship Es mi amigo.
Ser vs. Estar: To be or to be????? Estar – “PLACE” stands for – P – Position El libro está sobre la mesa. L – Location Yo estoy en la oficina. A – Action Ella está comiendo. C – Condition La puerta está abierta. E – Emotion Nosotros estamos alegres.
Acabar de + (Infinitive) When you want to say that something just happened, use the present tense of acabar + de + (infinitive). Acabo de comer I just ate. Acabamos de comer We just ate. Acabas de comer You (fam.) just ate. Acabáis de comer You all (fam.) just ate Acaba de comer He/She/ You (for.) just ate. Acaban de comer They/You all (for.) just ate.
Venir – to come Venir is very similar to the verb tener. The difference between the two verbs is that tener is an –er verb and venir is an –ir verb. The form endings are identical except for the nosotros and vosotros forms.
Venir – To come (Pink Sheet) Yo vengo I come Nosotros(as) venimos We come Tú vienes You (fam.) come Vosotros(as) venís You all (fam.) come Él/Ella/Ud. viene He/She comes, You (for.) come Ellos(as)/Uds. vienen They/You all (for.) come
Venir – to come You use Venir to talk about where someone is coming from. Yo vengo de la biblioteca. I am coming (I come) from the library. Tú vienes del (de + el) auditorio. You are coming from the auditorium Even though the verb is in the present tense (I come), it is usually translated to the –ing form in English (I’m coming).
Gustar – with nouns and verbs In the past we learned how to use gustar with verbs. Ex. I like to swim. Me gusta nadar. Ex. He likes to work. Le gusta trabajar. When you want to emphasize or clarify the person that you are talking about, you can add a phrase in front of the form of gustar. This is called a modifier.
Gustar w/ modifiers Modifiers can be – a + name, noun, or pronoun. Name – A Diana le gusta ir de compras. Diana likes to shop (To shop is pleasing to Diana). Noun – A su hermana le gusta ir de compras. His sister likes to shop (To shop is pleasing to his sister). Pronoun – A ella le gusta ir de compras. She likes to shop (To shop is pleasing to her). *Modifiers are required for the third person to clarify who likes to do something
Gustar with nouns When using gustar with nouns, the form of gustar must agree in number with the noun(s). Ex. A ella le gusta el libro. (singular = gusta) Ex. A ella le gustan los libros. (plural = gustan)
Gustar – to like/ to be pleasing to (A mí) me gusta(n) I like (A nosotros(as)) nos gusta(n) We like (A ti) te gusta(n) You (fam.) like (A vosotros(as)) os gusta(n) You all (fam.) like *(A él, a ella, a Ud.) le gusta(n) He/she likes, You(for.) like *(A ellos(as), a Uds.) les gusta(n) They like, You all (for.) like
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