Autumn Term 1 Group 1 Wk 4 HFW Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Final Check 1. book 2. dark 3. gone 4. let’s 5. he’s Statutory words 6. early 7. earth 8. eight 1) Practise your spellings every evening (check, cover, write then check again). 2) Write your spellings out in a complete sentence in your homework book (Don’t forget to check punctuation ).
WALT: spell words containing the letter-string ‘ough’ Autumn Term 1 Group 2 Wk 4 WALT: spell words containing the letter-string ‘ough’ Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Final Check 1. thought 2. bought 3. brought 4. rough 5. tough 6. although Statutory word list 7. according 8. achieve 9. aggressive Subordinating conjunctions 10. unless 11. even though 12. whereas 1) Practise your spellings every evening (check, cover, write then check). 2) Write your spellings (at least 10 of them) out in a complete sentence in your homework book.
WALT: spell words containing the letter-string ‘ough’ Autumn Term 1 Group 3 Wk 4 WALT: spell words containing the letter-string ‘ough’ Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Final Check 1. brought 2. enough 3. though 4. through 5. borough 6. plough Statutory word list 7. according 8. achieve 9. aggressive Subordinating conjunctions 10. provided 11. even though 12. whereas 1) Practise your spellings every evening (check, cover, write then check). 2) Write your spellings (at least 10 of them) out in a complete sentence in your homework book.