Application for Landmark Designation 1128-1134 North Los Robles Avenue Applicant/Owner: Dominick & Nany Cardella City Council June 5, 2017
1128-1134 North Los Robles Avenue
Vicinity Map
1128-1134 North Los Robles Avenue Built in 1924 Four-unit Apartment building in the Tudor Revival style Nomination submitted by current owners Property Size: 9,013 square feet Building Size: 4,280 square feet On March 21, 2017, the Historic Preservation Commission reviewed the apartment building at 1128-1134 N. Los Robles Ave. and forwarded a recommendation of approval to City Council.
Contributing Features Character-defining features: Asymmetrical presentation Steeply sloping roof Extended eaves with exposed rafters Smooth stucco exterior walls Divided-light wood windows False half-timbering Tudor arches Decorative brickwork
View from Los Robles Avenue
West Elevation Details
Side Elevations
Rear Elevation
Eligibility Criteria Criterion C met: Locally significant example of the Tudor Revival style applied to an apartment building Retains all of its character-defining features, retains integrity
Recommendation Exempt from CEQA, Class 8 Significant Under Criterion C Approve 1128-1134 N. Los Robles Avenue as a landmark
Application for Landmark Designation 1128-1134 North Los Robles Avenue Applicant/Owner: Dominick & Nany Cardella City Council June 5, 2017