Biometrics Overview Richard D. Newbold 24 October 2008 FOUO.


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Presentation transcript:

Biometrics Overview Richard D. Newbold 24 October 2008 FOUO

Mission and Vision Mission: The Biometrics Task Force leads Department of Defense activities to program, integrate, and synchronize biometric technologies and capabilities and to operate and maintain DoD’s authoritative biometric database to support the National Security Strategy. Vision: The Biometrics Task Force is a premier organization dedicated to protecting the nation through the employment of biometric capabilities. FOUO

Forensic Exploitation Delivering Capabilities to Warfighters Biometrics are “measurable physical and behavioral characteristics that enable the establishment and verification of an individual’s identity.” - Capstone CONOPS for DoD Biometrics, November 2006. Forensic Exploitation Census Management Control Access Info Sharing Delivering Capabilities to Warfighters FOUO

Biometrics Process in DoD 1. COLLECTION 2. MATCHING / STORAGE Data THEATER ABIS DHS FBI OTHER GOVTS Requirements Matches MILITARY OPERATIONS 3. INTEL / ANALYZE Checkpoints, Patrols Base Access, Employee Screening Census Management NGIC Actionable Intelligence INTEL COMMUNITY Biometric Intelligence Analysis Report FOUO

Biometrics as an Enabler Identify individuals Assign appropriate classification Level of threat Level of access Level of privileges Requires Seamless collection, storage and sharing of identity information Does Law, Regulation, Policy allow? Understand the seams Identify Classify Access level Threat level Full Privileges and access Tier 1 HVT Clearance Logical Access Employ Criminal Capture / Detain Deny Access Track Privileges & Benefits FOUO

Biometrics Identity in Offense Use biometrics for: USE BIOMETRICS FOR: Identity Dominance Targeting Individuals Track Identities TO ACHIEVE MORE EFFECTIVE: Military Operations Criminal Prosecutions FOUO

Biometrics Identity in Defense Ensure Identity Protection for U.S. Forces USE BIOMETRICS FOR: Physical Access Control Post/Camp/Station Buildings Rooms Logical Access Control Computer Login Services (e.g., medical care) 8 FOUO

Current Environment DEPLOYED SYSTEMS RESULTS 2.75 million ABIS entries ABIS - Automated Biometric Identification System BAT - Biometrics Automated Toolset BISA - Biometrics Identification System for Access CROSSMATCH JUMPKITS DBIDS - Defense Biometrics Identification System DRS - Detainee Reporting System HIIDE - Handheld Interagency Identification Detection Equipment RESULTS 2.75 million ABIS entries 765,000 ABIS matches Federal and DoD sharing Watch list matches NEAR-TERM IMPROVEMENTS Architecture efficiency and sustainability Data searches and rapid matching More base access systems in CENTCOM AOR Support for more collection devices Database flexibility Untethered collection and verification FOUO

DoD Biometric Efforts FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 BAT & HIIDE Service Packs/Fielding BAT-DBIDS Bridge NGIC AIMS/Intel Analysis Optimize What We Have Meet Immediate Warfighter Needs Last Tactical Mile Family of Systems NGA Improve the Existing Architecture All Systems are Interoperable & Compatible Navy IDS CDRT Enterprise Architecture BFC/CJIS Facility Build What We Need Establish Future Enterprise Support immediate needs while building for the future FOUO

DoD Biometrics: Current Structure Principal Staff Assistant (PSA) Director, Defense Research & Engineering ---------------------------------------------------------- Director, Defense Biometrics (DDB) OSD Staff OSD OSD-I OSD-P OSD-P&R DARPA TSWG Counsel NII/CIO DA&M Force Transformation Interagency Governance Structure Secretary of the Army/ Army G-3 (Executive Agent) Department of Justice OSTP FBI (CJIS) Biometrics Executive Committee (EXCOM) DHS NSTC Biometrics Task Force Executive Manager Department of Commerce Department of State Identity Protection & Management Senior Coordinating Group (IPMSCG) NIST Joint Biometrics Senior Executive Steering Committee (JBSESC) Joint Staff HQDA DON HQAF HQ, USMC Combatant Commands Forensics Executive Steering Group (FESG) HQDA G-2 HQDA G-3 Forward Elements Military Membership Joint Biometrics Technical Coordination Board (JBTCB) Joint Biometrics Operational Coordination Board (JBOCB) HQDA G-6 MNC-I TP CJTF-101 TP PM Forward ASA (ALT) PM ASPO PM Biometrics Other Technical Working Groups, Boards, COIs Other Policy Working Groups, Boards TRADOC OPMG FOUO

CAPT Michael Lilienthal Meeting the Challenge DoD Directive 8521.01 provides the guidance and organizational responsibilities for biometrics. Mission: The Biometrics Task Force leads DoD activities to program, integrate, and synchronize biometric technologies and capabilities and to operate and maintain DoD’s authoritative biometric database to support the National Security Strategy. Strategy Division Vacant Tech Integration Ms. Wiggins Resource Management Mr. Storey Operations LTC Hunt (acting) Tech Mgmt. Mr. Aloi Resource & Support Division Mr. Palco Director Biometrics Integration Directorate Ms. Lisa Swan Biometrics Operations Directorate Mr. David Lohman Executive Manager for Biometrics and Director Biometrics Task Force Dr. Myra Gray Deputy Director CAPT Michael Lilienthal SecArmy Executive Agent for Biometrics Mr. Pete Geren DDR&E - PSA for Biometrics Mr. Shaffer Director, Defense Mr. Dee FOUO

Engaging an Enabling Technology FOUO