Groundwater Lab
Why is infiltration so important? We need water to infiltrate to replace the __________________ we use! _________________ is Long Islands main source of drinking water. Groundwater recharge is when the water we use is replaced by _______________. groundwater groundwater precipitation
Water Table Upper Glacial Magothy Lloyd Bedrock
What features of Long Island are preserved or built to promote infiltration? Drainage ditches __________________________
Sumps Drainage basins 2. ________ or _______________________
3. The Long Island Pine Barrens – 53,000 acres of pitch pine trees and scrub oak! Sandy ground allows infiltration of precipitation. “A diverse mosaic of pitch pine woodlands, pitch pine-oak forests, coastal plain ponds, swamps, marshes, bogs and streams, the Long Island Pine Barrens are one of the most important factors contributing to the health and purity of Long Island's treasured drinking water.”
The Long Island Pine Barrens Protection Act of 1993 created a five member Central Pine Barrens Joint Planning and Policy Commission, an Advisory Committee, and mandated the production and implementation of the Central Pine Barrens Comprehensive Land Use Plan adapted in June 1995.
http://www. eram. k12. ny. us/education/page/download. php§iondetailid=17500 Use this for Lab Part A