Long A sound A phonics lesson
Objective Students will successfully apply grade level phonics and decoding skills.
Scale 3- I can, immediately, apply grade level phonics and decoding skills. 2- I can, with limited help, apply grade level phonics and decoding skills. 1- I can, with much help, apply grade level phonics and decoding skills. 0- I can’t apply grade level phonics and decoding skills.
Words with the long A sound A Apricot Alien Ape
Words with the long A sound ai train Airplane rain
Words with the long A sound ay play hay gray
Words with the long A sound ei or eigh eight neighbor reindeer
Words with the long A sound ea break steak
Words with the long A sound ey prey obey
Task With your group create a tree map with all the words you can think of for each letter combination with the long a sound. Long A Sound a ai ay ei or eigh ea ey
Scale 3- I can, immediately, apply grade level phonics and decoding skills. 2- I can, with limited help, apply grade level phonics and decoding skills. 1- I can, with much help, apply grade level phonics and decoding skills. 0- I can’t apply grade level phonics and decoding skills.