Design Brief
The Task – Design, Plan, Create and Submit your GAC entry Get thinking: What is the problem, issue or challenge you want to take on? How is your game or app going to increase awareness, provide strategies, create empathy or make things better for someone or something? Who do you want to meet your challenge? Who is your audience? Can you come up with a plan and a design? Can you pitch and communicate your idea? The Task – Design, Plan, Create and Submit your GAC entry Create this Design Brief with all of your planning, ideas and evidence Create the beginnings of a game or an app (coding). It may be a prototype, the first stage or even a demo introducing the characters, and the idea of the game or app. You need to demonstrate that you/your group: Used the tools provided to present your computational thinking, coding or development Has presented evidence of your thinking, reviews and improvements you made to your original idea, collaboration and utilisation of your skills and talents. Created something that met your brief – see the rubrics on the GAC website
The Tools What tool did you/your team decide to use? Why? There are a number of tools you have available to use for this Challenge. Have a look at some of the options listed here, What tool did you/your team decide to use? Why?
Use the Victorian Curriculum Design Process to help you stay on track Investigating Generating Producing Evaluating Planning and Managing Investigating Generating Producing Planning and managing Evaluating This process is open to review and modification at every stage
Design Brief The Design Brief is where you should start thinking about and documenting all your ideas, inspiration and planning. Add as many slides as you need to complete your brief. Please do not delete the grey instruction slides. Project Description What real world problem or challenge will your game or app solve or engage with. As an individual or group, you need to answer three key questions: What is the problem/challenge you are trying to solve? What do you want your Game or App to do, and what features might it include? Who might benefit from your game or app? When working through the design technology process it's important to consider multiple options or designs. Please ensure you develop two detailed and annotated designs for your product. What do you need to know? In order to build this app what will you need to know and be able to do? Create a list of skills and knowledge you will need to call upon or learn Add pages and space as you need. Include website links, videos, tutorials, ideas, references and other resources What skills do you and your group currently have? Where are the gaps? What do you need to learn? Where can you get help? What help was useful?
Generate Design 1 Generating Generate Design 1 Add space for your designs as necessary. This can include words, diagrams, images and symbols. This should give the audience some idea of the process or function of your App or Game. Generating
Generate Design 2 Generating Generate Design 2 Add space for your designs as necessary. This can include words, diagrams, images and symbols. This should give the audience some idea of the process or function of your App or Game. It will need to be different from Design 1 in its entirety or at some stage of the process. Generating
Generate Scrapbook Generating Generate Scrapbook Generating Use this section to keep all your investigation and inspiration, materials such as website links, videos, screen clippings, ideas, references and other resources. Help build your evidence Add pages and space for evidence as you need it. Research around: the issue possible solutions existing games or apps – What is your competition?
Generate -Visual Design Generate -Visual Design Generating Use this section to start to create and design the look and feel of your tool. Consider the visual elements of a game such as characters, scenery, objects, vehicles, surface textures, clothing, etc. You could create in 3D and take photos or use design tools. Which tool best suits your purpose?
… ? Conferencing Can happen at any time during the process Planning and managing Conferencing Can happen at any time during the process You must conference your two designs with your teacher and if possible your peers. It is important for you to obtain feedback as well as reflect on their ideas about your designs! Add notes for your Peer Conference in the next section. Add notes for your Teacher Conference in the next section. ? …
Peer conference (optional but valuable) Part of the design technology process is the importance of review and feedback about your product designs. Use the boxes below to document this process. Peer's Comments How can we make this product even better than it currently is? List some of the feedback provided by your teacher(s) Our Reflection As a result of your conference what changes to your design will you consider?
Teacher Conference Part of the design technology process is the importance of review and feedback about your product designs. Using the boxes below to document this process. Teacher Comments How can we make this product even better than it currently is? List some of the feedback provided by your teacher(s) Our Reflection As a result of your conference what changes to your design will you consider?
Make your product, storyboard, design and pitch Producing Make your product, storyboard, design and pitch Use all of the evidence you have gathered to complete the pages below as part of your final product and submission requirements: What is your product? What does it do? One paragraph – “The elevator pitch” What does it look and feel like? Create the visual elements of your game or app: Design your characters, scenery, objects, vehicles, surface textures, clothing, etc. Create a concept art and storyboard, which helps communicate the proposed visual elements during pre-production Making it work Present evidence of your coding. This could be raw code, a link to your functioning code or app or screen dumps of the code. Use as many pages as you like. Add sections if necessary.
Here is your opportunity to SELL your idea! Producing Your pitch Here is your opportunity to SELL your idea! A pitch is a presentation or persuasive piece that promotes your solution. The format of this pitch could be (and not limited to): A video presentation A blog post (using A website A video demo of the App or Game with set of instructions A radio/TV commercial Packaging for your Game or App App store profile A digital presentation using (free) A digital poster My Pitch: Share your pitch below, this could include URL link.
Evaluating Reflect on your final product. Complete the PMI chart Positives Minuses Interesting
Evaluating Evaluating Throughout the production stage, did you make any changes to your design? If so list the change and the reason you need to make this change... Change Made Reason for Change eg. I have changed the design of the home page I changed it, as there was no option that was allowing me to give it the look that I wanted
Evaluating Evaluating See Rubrics: Teams must submit their completed Design Brief reflecting the following criteria: Relevance of the problem · How well is the problem explained and defined? · Are the influences and origins of the problem well investigated and understood? · Does the game or app address the problem? If so, how creative is the solution? Implementation of the Idea · How well was the user experience considered? · How much thought was given to the design of the game or app? · How creative is the game or app? How original is it? Demonstrated Excellence of Coding and Programming Skills · How well were the software development tools used? · To what extent did the game or app demonstrate computational thinking? Documented your work · To what extent has the Design Portfolio been completed by the group or student? · How well has the product been communicated through The Pitch? ** If you utilised rubrics throughout the process, you can also add these to the design brief or upload separately.
Evaluating Evaluating Submit Upload your completed Design Brief and Reflection Video to FUSE. If you/your group is working on a web space/site it is important that all the links are in this presentation OR that all the information in this design brief is included in the website/ space. You can submit a URL.