Towards a Strategic Plan 2011 – 2014 for Equinet


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Presentation transcript:

Towards a Strategic Plan 2011 – 2014 for Equinet Discussion Equinet Legal Seminar, 1-2 July 2010, Brussels

Steps of the process Initial considerations - Equinet Board PLANNING Initial considerations - Equinet Board Planning Process to Members CONSULTATION Consultation with Equinet Members Stakeholders meetings - consultation

Steps of the process Consolidation of information developed to date STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT Consolidation of information developed to date Review and analysis of the outcomes of the consultation process by the Board FINALIZE PLAN Sept-Oct 2010: Preparation and drafting Strategic plan Strategic Plan circulated to members for consideration with information on the process for putting forward amendments Vote on the strategic plan at AGM on 17 November 2010 The reference in the recital to the Draft Directive to the so called “Paris Principles” adopted by the UN General Assembly in resolution 48/134 of 20 December 1993 reflected an important advance in highlighting the importance of standards in the establishment of equality bodies if they are to make their full contribution. The Paris Principles establish standards that enjoy recognition across the world. They offer a valuable and broadly accepted yardstick for the establishment of equality bodies. It is of the utmost importance that this recital and this reference to the Paris Principles be retained in the Directive. The Paris Principles offer the possibility of guiding Member states to the establishment of equality bodies fully able to carry out the functions accorded to them by legislation in a manner that ensures the new legislation is fully effective and meets the goals desired by policy makers.

Enable Equality Bodies to Achieve and Exercise their Potential Discussion Enable Equality Bodies to Achieve and Exercise their Potential ● Peer Support – Staff ● Peer Support – Institutional ● Contributing to Policy Formation at EU Level ● Growth and strategic positioning as a Network Working Group will prepare opinions on development of new approaches to gender equality to feed into the new Road Map on Gender and an opinion on the Action Plan for Disability. 2010 - Follow up the opinions on the “Roadmap for equality between women and men” and Action Plan for Disability - The working group will take responsibility to take the lead on Equinet´s special initiative on transgender people’s rights by preparing an opinion on making transgender peoples visible in the work of equality bodies, on leadership for equality for transgender people. The working group will also be responsible for a round table with equality bodies and the engagement of key players to seek solidarity with transgender people’s equal treatment. - An opinion on the impact of economic recession, and any accompanying backlash against equality, on the equality bodies and on their work. This opinion will explore how best to protect equality bodies and advance their work through this period of economic crisis. It will explore the implications of economic crisis for the work and priorities of equality bodies and how best to respond to these implications." - An opinion on the challenges and opportunities of combining human rights and equal treatment functions and mandates. This opinion will be prepared on the basis of a roundtable on the subject.

Contact EQUINET SECRETARIAT 138 Rue Royale B-1000 Brussels Tel: +32 (0)2 212 3181 Anne Gaspard