Salutations Use this formal greeting for adults and people you don’t know well Bonjour Bonjour-a formal greeting especially for those you don’t know well
Use this informal greeting for friends and family members salut
Use this greeting in the evening Bonsoir
Use this expression to say good-bye Au revoir
If you expect to see someone soon, you can say_____________. À bientôt
If you expect to see someone tomorrow, you can say Á demain
Additional ways to say “See you later” À plus tard À tout à l’heure
To ask the name of the person to whom you are speaking Comment tu t’appelles?
He or she will respond Je m’ appelle……
To ask the name of someone else that is a boy/man Comment il s’appelle?
The response will be Il s’appelle…
To ask the name of someone else that is a girl/lady Comment elle s’appelle?
The response will be Elle s’appelle…
This is a formal title used to address a gentleman Monsieur
This is a formal title used to address a married lady Madame
This is a formal title used to address an unmarried/younger lady Mademoiselle
How are you? Comment ça va? (informal) Ca va? (informal) Comment allez-vous? (formal)
Les Réponses Trés bien! Bien.
Les Réponses Pas mal Comme çi comme ça Plus ou moins
Les Réponses Trés mal! Mal. Pas très bien.