Connecting Early Years Networks Support Project (CEYNSP) Evaluation Findings (July 2016-March 2017) Emerging Trends CLCs
Demographics 118 responses from 45 out of the 47 EYN’s (96%) Network membership 33% have 11-12 active members 44% have 6-10 active members 6 Networks have more than 150 members Not for profit representation has decreased from 97% to 82% Emerging Trends CLCs
EYN Priorities Connecting organisations, parents and families to improve outcomes for children – most important. Priorities for more than 45% of networks are running events, engaging with parents and reviewing operations and activities of their network. Emerging Trends CLCs
State Government Involvement in EYN’s Department of Education is involved in 91% of EYN’s 82% have Not for Profit representation 79% Department of Health 41% DCPFS 31% DLGC CARIN State government involvement in EYNs WE THEN ASKED MEMBERS THE QUESTION OF WHO MAKES UP THE EYN MEMBERSHIP • The Department of Education is involved in more networks than any other state government department, (91%) and more than any other organisation. In fact, more networks have a Department of Education representative than a not-for-profit representative (82%). Participation of the Department of Health closely follows this, at 79%. DCPFS and DLGC are involved in a little less than half the networks (with 41% and 31% of networks, respectively, having representatives from these departments). • They are followed closely by the engagement from playgroups (76.9%). • The Mental Health Commission and Disability Services Commission have a lower participation rate than other departments (15.4% and 23%) A respondent to the survey stated that Many members are time poor or not supported to attend by their management to meetings. We have many members who attend occasionally or not at all… I will now hand over to my colleague Pauline Gallagher. Emerging Trends CLCs
Challenges 68% of responses that included poverty, financial stress, unemployment or socio-economic disadvantage as one of the major issues facing children in their area Effects of Trauma Attendance related issues at meetings (35%) Government and policy changes 10% felt this is of concern Changes to the delivery of parenting services and the tender process. Pauline Challenges •68% of responses stated that poverty, financial stress, unemployment or socio-economic disadvantage as being one of the major issues facing children in their area. This only featured in a 25% of responses in Evaluation Report 1 so was a key change. •This report also identified trauma as a major concern, which was also not identified in the previous report •Attendance-related issues at meetings are the major challenges faced in both the first and second evaluation reports for network members (approx. 35%): Government and policy changes, which were not an issue in the previous report, have come through as something of concern to network members (10%): Government agencies changing structure and not valuing the early years and taking staffing away Changes to the delivery of parenting services and the tender process has interrupted what had been very effective communication and delivery of parenting training to the community, especially those most disadvantaged and in need of consistency. Emerging Trends CLCs
Opportunities Engaging in advocacy 66% in 2017 compared to 67% in June 2016 68% have or are developing a strategic action plan The majority of respondents are sharing knowledge, experience or resources (66%); either a lot (16.5%), moderately (27.5%) or a little (22%). 37% of EYN’s are using AEDC data Pauline Opportunities What did networks identify as opportunities moving forward The number of networks engaging in advocacy has remained consistent (66% in April 2017, v 67.% in June 2016), but there is a shift within those networks that are advocating to do it more regularly. • This period has seen the highest number of networks having a strategic or action plan in place since the project began, 68% either have one, or are currently developing one. ‘We also asked if networks are connecting with other EYNs to share knowledge, experience or resources?’ The majority of respondents are doing this (66%); either a lot (16.5%), moderately (27.5%) or a little (22%). • Approximately 23% of respondents said they were not, but that they were more aware of EYNs and can see the value in doing this. • • 37% of EYNs use AEDC data to identify areas where the network could support activity, and plan activities, to improve outcomes. • There is also a significant decrease in the number of responses indicating that they do not use the AEDC data. (21.4% to 11%). Emerging Trends CLCs
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