To create a Twitter account, connect to Twitter at: https://twitter Then click on “Sign Up” in the right frame.
Next, complete the Twitter application…
Part of the Twitter application is a “test” to see if you are posing as a computer – type the words as indicated, then click “Finish.”
Next, Twitter prompts you to select “Interests” – you do not have to do this, but may want to take a look at what’s offered. Here the “Health” category is selected, and the Twitter Health accounts are loaded into the left frame – simply select what you want.
Here I’ve selected three health Twitter accounts – they’re listed in the right frame. Now it’s time to click “Next Step: Friends.”
Here one can search for friends, to add their Tweets to your timeline Here one can search for friends, to add their Tweets to your timeline. You do not have to do this. Simply click “Finish” when done.
After completing the application process, you’ll get this page. Click on the arrow next to your name to reveal a menu that includes “Settings,” “Help,” and “Sign Out.”
At the “Settings” page, you can customize your Account information, Password, Mobile information, Notice information (eg, get emails when someone starts “following” you), Profile information, and the Design of your Twitter home page.
Here’s the Twitter Settings Design page…
Back at your Twitter home page… Here’s the prompt for writing your first Tweet.
Writing my first Tweet…
My Twitter home page, after my first tweet…